Local scale plume model for nitrogen oxides. Model description.

with a few 11 summary 11 reactions, i.e. incomplete reactions since the intermediate. stages are not specified. Calculations however showed that on a local scale ( 0 - ~20 km) only six reactions were of importance for the NOx-chemistry. These are given in Table 2 together with their rate constants. The Last updated:

Climate indicator - Spring flood

gives some flows even in winter. Therefore, this indicator only exists for the Dalälven and the north. The start date for the spring flood has been calculated as the first day of the year when the flow in the watercourse rises above the mean water discharge (MQ) after the lower winter flow. Why is the Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 4-6, 2023

The expedition was included within SLU s International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. Mapping of winter nutrient conditions was performed in the Skagerrak at 13 stations where complete hydrography were sampled, and 12 stations with only CTD. In the Kattegat area 11 Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 20-21, 2022

metres, and hydrogen sulphide was detected from 100 metres depth. At BY15 and BY10, levels of hydrogen sulphide were higher than normal in the deep water. Fluorescence measurements from the CTD indicated some plankton activity down to the thermocline, with the exception of the coastal station Ref M1V1 in Last updated:

The Swedish regional climate modeling program 1996-2003. Final report.

way to provide insight into the processes behind changes. For example, comparing the last 30 years (1971-2000) and the first 30 years (1761-1790) of Stockholm daily temperature data, the most interesting change is the increase in the weight of the surnmer mode. This means that the surnmer season has Last updated:

Global Programme on Strengthened Institutions for a Sustainable Climate (SISC)

explore viable adaptation potentials. Tailored for institutional process enhancement The cornerstone of the programme is to coach local institutions for good implementation of their National Determined Contribution process, and the New Urban Agenda by supporting an inclusive planning of sustainable Last updated:

Main scientific findings of the BioDiv-Support project

assessment of the frequency and intensity for extreme precipitation events and a wider range of climate change indicators including also in areas of complex terrain. The total nitrogen deposition is projected to decrease in the Scandes, Pyrenees and Spanish Central System until the mid-21st century. However Last updated:


situation where this deep water could easily be renewed if there would be an inflow of sufficient volume . During the first six months no hydrogen sulphide was present in the Bornholm Basin or the Western Gotland Basin . During September and November, however, hydro- gen sulphide was detected in these areas Last updated:

Observations and data – air, lakes, waterways and seas

data are performed at SMHI and stored in different databases used for forecasts, warnings and research, among other things. An important task is to inform and warn in the event of high flows and water levels. Observations of oceanographic parameters SMHI conducts real-time observations of oceanographic Last updated:

SMHI's research at EGU 2023

years, the conference has changed format, and this year it takes place both online and on-site. SMHI participates in EGU 2023 with splinter meetings, sessions, presenations, PICOs and posters. Below is an overview of events where SMHI contributes. The full programme and more information can be found on Last updated: