Cruise report from R/V Svea week 34-35, 2021


SMHI performed an oxygen and nutrient survey within SLU Aqua’s cruise; the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS Q3), that covers the Skagerrak, the North Sea and the Kattegat. SMHI joins the cruise to perform CTD measurements in connection to each trawl and to take water samples for the annual …

Type: Report
Author: Martin Hansson
Published: Sep, 2021
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New publication shows latest scientific knowledge on climate change in the Baltic Sea


To provide a better understanding of the effects of climate change in the Baltic Sea, Baltic Earth and HELCOM have recently published the first Baltic Sea Climate Change Fact Sheet. The publication compiles the latest available science in the region on climate change and its impact. 

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 32-33, 2021


The slightly milder and windier weather during August resulted in a decrease in the temperature in all sea areas and was now normal at most stations. In all sea areas, there was a well-mixed surface layer separated from the underlying water of a thermocline between 15–20 m depth. At some stations …

Type: Report
Author: Lena Viktorsson
Published: Aug, 2021
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Montel & SMHI: 20 years of cooperation


Since 2001, SMHI and ​​​​​​​ have worked in partnership to provide tailored weather forecasting services for interested parties within the European power industry.

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 23, 2021


Heating of the surface waters were observed in all visited areas with surface temperatures over 15 ℃ and with a thermocline as result, which is normal for June. The salinity varied more, about 7 psu in the Baltic Proper, between 12-18 psu in the Sound and the Kattegat. This is higher than normal in …

Type: Report
Author: Örjan Bäck
Published: Aug, 2021
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Advancing climate analysis for climate services

SMHI is mandated to provide climate information and produce the data needed to adapt Swedish society to the ongoing climate change in a user-adapted and science based manner and to reduce vulnerability for society.

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 28, 2021


The warm weather during June and July increased the surface water temperature in all sea areas. All sea areas, except the Skagerrak, had higher temperatures than normal. Salinity remained higher than normal in the eastern part of the Baltic Proper and in parts of its deep water.

Dissolved …

Type: Report
Author: Martin Hansson
Published: Jul, 2021
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Algae report number 7, 2021


The analyses were made on bord the ship Svea during the cruise. Water from integrated sampels or discrete depths were filtrated down to filters with 5μm pore size. The method is most suitebale for identifying larger and more robust cells whereas smaller cells and fragile cells are difficult to …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Jul 19, 2021
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Researchers show a faster decline of Arctic sea ice in the future with a new methodology


The Arctic's declining sea ice may melt away earlier than research to date has shown. As early as around 2035, the Arctic could be ice-free in summer at a high greenhouse gas emission scenario, and before 2050 at a low emission scenario. Two of SMHI's researchers have analysed the future Arctic sea …

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SMHI contributes to Irish capacity building in a training course about hydrological modelling


Two years after the training course in Meteorology, Met Éireann – The Irish Meteorological Service – has hired SMHI again to hold a course on the use of HYPE hydrological model for flood forecasting, which makes SMHIs expertise knowledgeable.

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