Perspectives of Sustainable Management of the Mieou Classified Forest in Mali

, reforestation, soil restoration, and management by exploitation/rotation on plots. All stakeholders need to be mobilised to ensure the success of the development plan. Description The study involved individual interviews with resource individuals, asking about their use of resources, their knowledge about the Last updated:

Global Programme on Strengthened Institutions for a Sustainable Climate (SISC)

explore viable adaptation potentials. Tailored for institutional process enhancement The cornerstone of the programme is to coach local institutions for good implementation of their National Determined Contribution process, and the New Urban Agenda by supporting an inclusive planning of sustainable Last updated:

Hugo Rudebeck

Role in team Junior researcher and developer Expertise Hydrological extremes hydrological and hydraulic modelling Irrigation Water resource management Stormwater management Last updated:

SMHI contributes to better air quality in Georgia

Georgia's air quality is affected by heavy traffic, biomass burning, industry and even desert dust. Public interest in air quality has increased in the country in recent years. Since Georgia has applied for European Union membership, many EU-criteria regarding air quality measurement, reporting Last updated:

Algae report number 4, 2023

as various ciliates. Other phytoplankton were in low numbers. The integrated (0-20 m and 0-10 m) chlorophyll concentrations were within the normal range for this month. BY38 16th of April The phytoplankton diversity and abundances were high. Within the diatoms there were plenty of S. marinoi, but Last updated:

OWGRE – Optimized weather-related green energy production and consumption

Probabilistic forecasts have been underused in this context due to complexity related to their interpretation and data volume. To solve this we will create a machine-readable data portal coupled to machine learning algorithms. We will tailor improved weather forecasts to better support the needs of Last updated:

The First Rossby Centre Regional Climate Scenario - Dynamical Downscaling of CO2-induced Climate Change in the HadCM2 GCM.

level pressure are more subtle. A general feature is a somewhat increased north-south gradient over southern Scandinavia and northern parts of central Europe, which indicates a strengthening of westerly flow near the surface in these areas. However, the details vary greatly from season to season. In Last updated:

Air pollution Assessment Study Using the MATCH Modelling System. Application to sulfur and nitrogen compounds over Sweden 1994.

sources is described with a Gaussian puff model including plume rise calculations. A new puff is introduced every hour for each source. The puffs are then advected until they have reached the size of the horizontal grid when they are merged into the large scale concentration field. In air pollution Last updated: