Film: Adapt to a changing climate – how and why?

The film "Adapt to a changing climate – how and why?” explains the basics about climate change adaptation.  

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Policy for passwords

Use unique and long passwords

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BioDiv-Support: Publications


Publications, reports and conference contributions from the BioDiv-Support project. 

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BioDiv-Support: A web tool that can be used to plan for adaptation


We have created a planning tool for assessing changes in climate, air quality and vegetation in mountainous regions from present day to mid-century (2000-2050), considering socio-economic and policy development, and management practices.

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BioDiv-Support: Scandinavian Mountains


One of three focus areas in the BioDiv-Support project is the Scandinavian Mountains - a part of the shrinking Arctic. 

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BioDiv-Support: Pyrenees Mountains


One of three focus areas in the BioDiv-Support project is the Pyrenees Mountains, an area where unique biodiversity facing risk of reduced habitat availability. 

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BioDiv-Support: Spanish Central Mountain system


One of three focus areas in the BioDiv-Support project is the Spanish Central Mountain system, an area where rich biodiversity is threatened by climate change and air pollution. 

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More algal blooms and new species of phytoplankton in Swedish seas


The ongoing phenomenon of climate change is having an impact on marine ecosystems. Researchers from SMHI can show that there is now a greater occurrence of certain types of algal blooms than 40 years ago, and that new species of phytoplankton have become established. This has consequences not only …

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New weather warnings

As from April 2021, SMHI’s weather warnings will be designated as yellow warnings, orange warnings or red warnings, where a red warning is the most serious.

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 3-5, 2021


The expedition was included within SLU:s International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and the Kattegat.

Mapping of winter nutrient conditions was performed in the Skagerrak at 11 stations where complete hydrography were sampled, and 10 stations with only CTD. In the Kattegat area 14 …

Type: Report
Author: Johan Kronsell
Published: Mar, 2021
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