New project on the spreading of disease in conjunction with climate change


The climate is changing, and this will have many effects on society. Researchers, including representatives from SMHI, are now studying the consequences for the spreading of different types of diseases. The main areas of focus are the spreading of disease by the tiger mosquito, borrelia carried by …

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Research places the unusual Swedish summer of 2018 in a climate perspective


Climate researchers from SMHI’s Rossby Centre, Stockholm University and Max Planck Institute for Meteorology have studied the probability of another summer resembling the extremely warm Swedish summer of 2018. They confirm, from a historical perspective, this was a very unusual summer. Ongoing …

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Research into how the climate is being affected by the pandemic


The locking down of societies as a result of the ongoing corona pandemic has led to a reduction in global emissions of carbon dioxide during 2020. Governments are using both short-term emergency packages and more long-term restart packages in order to stimulate socio-economic development. …

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 49-50, 2020


During the expedition, which is part of the Swedish national marine monitoring programme, the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound, the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Bothnia was visited. The weather was overcast with moderate to fresh southerly winds in the Gulf of Bothnia and moderate to light winds …

Type: Report
Author: Örjan Bäck, Lena Viktorsson
Published: Dec, 2020
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Climate change adaptations in Nordic cities with green infrastructure


The densification of cities and ongoing climate change mean a greater need for adaptations to ensure that cities remain attractive. International agreements include stated ambitions to counter climate change and to adapt society in line with its effects. Urban green infrastructure and nature-based …

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Will there be more heatwaves in the future?


As the climate becomes warmer, heatwaves become more likely. This is a trend that can already be observed, and that will continue in the future.

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Health effects of heat stress


Heat-related ill-health is well documented, both internationally and in Sweden. Umeå University researcher Christofer Åström summarises the latest research.

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How can physical planning improve the urban climate?


Significant efforts to limit the urban heat island effect are being carried out in many parts of the world. This mainly involves reducing heating from incoming solar radiation by increasing the reflection of sunlight from buildings and other surfaces. Other measures include using green roofs and …

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Report accessibility problems on SMHI's websites and apps

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our websites and mobile applications. If you discover problems that aren't  listed in our accessibility statements you can report it to us using the form on this page.

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Accessibility of the Swedish Portal for Climate Change Adaptation

The Swedish Portal for Climate Change Adaption is a result of the cooperation between several swedish governmental agencies. The website is run and managed by the Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation at SMHI. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the …

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