Algae report number 8, 2020


The phytoplankton diversity was higher in the Kattegat than in the Skagerrak. In the Kattegat there was an obvious impact of the Baltic blooms considering the presence of cyanobacteria surface accumulations that had drifted out through the Sound. There were relatively high cell numbers of the …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Sep, 2020
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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 33, 2020


The surface water was, unlike in June, warmer than normal at most stations in the Baltic Proper, but mostly normal in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak. The surface water temperature varied between 18-21 degrees, of which the highest temperatures were measured in the Baltic Proper. The salinity of the …

Type: Report
Author: Lena Viktorsson
Published: Sep, 2020
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ClimPoll - Management of cumulative effects of climate change and pollution in coastal seas


The ClimPoll project will increase the understanding of cumulative effects of worldwide adverse human pressures, including pollution, ocean acidification and global warming, on the nature and strength of food-web structure and trophic interactions in the ocean. The project is founded by the Swedish …

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Annual report 2019


Annual report of the Swedish oceanographic monitoring in open seas.

Type: Report
Author: Lena Viktorsson, Karin Wesslander, Peter Thor, Madeleine Nilsson, Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Aug, 2020
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SMHI and NILU develop system for easier collection of air quality data


The demand in Air quality management systems is rising, and in the same time several countries struggle with management of these data. Commissioned by the The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA or Naturvårdsverket), SMHI has been developing such a system for years. Now, together with the …

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 28, 2020


The surface water temperature varied between 12.5-17.3 °C, which is lower than normal for the season. The salinity in the surface in the Baltic Proper was above normal at all stations visited.   Dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the surface water was below detection limit from the surface …

Type: Report
Author: Anna-Kerstin Thell
Published: Jul, 2020
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The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2019 Hydrography Nutrients Phytoplankton


The Swedish national marine monitoring programme of the pelagic, the water column, includes monthly measurements of hydrography, nutrient concentration and phytoplankton for the seas around Sweden; the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound, the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Bothnia. Data is collected, …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 69
Author: Karin Wesslander, Lena Viktorsson, Peter Thor, Madeleine Nilsson and Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Jul, 2020
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Algae report number 7, 2020


The analyses were made on bord the ship Svea during the cruise. Water from Integrated sampels or discrete depths were filtrated down to filters with 5μm pore size. The method is most suitebale for identifying larger and more robust cells whereas smaller cells and fragile cells are difficult to …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Jul, 2020
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New project studies air pollutants from forest fires


There have been several major forest fires in the large, forested areas of the northern hemisphere in recent years, and these have led to an increase in air pollutants which affect human health. Researchers are now investigating how a changed climate with rising temperatures and more extreme …

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Climate change makes reducing eutrophication even more important


Significant reductions in nutrient discharges from the land will result in reduced eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and a better marine environment by 2100 – regardless of how serious the effects of climate change are. These are the findings of research carried out by Stockholm University’s Baltic …

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