Algae report number 2, 2020


A number of stations were cancelled during the cruise. Some because of the bad weather, others due to the fact that parts of the anchoring from a buoy got stuck in one of the ships propellers, which caused cancellation of the cruise and a safety stop in Oxelösund prior to the detour to Lysekil. At …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik, Marie Johansen
Published: Mar, 2020
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Bringing climate change into ecosystem based management of the sea: Data and methods for the Symphony framework Symphony - a cumulative assessment tool developed for Swedish Marine Spatial Planning


This report is a review of available data and information sources for climate proofing the tool Symphony as a part of Work Package 1 (WP1) in the Formas project ClimeMarine - Integration of climate-change impacts into the ecosystem-based management and planning of the Swedish marine environment. …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 68
Author: Iréne Wåhlström, Jonas Pålsson, Oscar Törnqvist, Per Jonsson, Matthias Gröger, Elin Almroth-Rosell
Published: Mar, 2020
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Emilie Brévière



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EDUCAS (Effectively designing and communicating next generation climate simulations over Sweden) will systematically investigate climate change information on local scales over Sweden, which is relevant to a wide range of stakeholders, from interdisciplinary researchers to municipalities.

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FORCeS - Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections


FORCeS will improve the description of key processes governing aerosol radiative forcing and feedbacks in climate models.

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The Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM)

SMHI develops and maintains a model system for water quality calculations in coastal zone waters around Sweden. It is called the Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM) and has previously been presented in Sahlberg (2009). Since that report was published the model has been further developed and it is now …

Type: Report
Report Series: Oceanpgraphy 128
Author: Moa Edman, Jörgen Sahlberg
Published: Feb, 2020
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Tinja Olenius

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Isabel Ribeiro

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Algae report number 1, 2020


Only half of the amount of stations that were planned to be sampled during the cruise were actually visited due to engine problems which caused cancellation of the remaining cruise. At Å17, the most westerly Skagerrak station and at Släggö at the coast, the phytoplankton diversity and chlorophyll …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Jan, 2020
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SMHI hosted climate course for key people from southern Africa


During end of 2019, SMHI held a three week course about climate; International Training Program (ITP), on site in Norrköping. 

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