Cruise report from R/V Svea week 49-50, 2019


Surface water temperature had dropped further since last month. The warmest surface water was found in the Skagerrak and the Baltic Proper Sea with 8°C and coldest water was found in the Gulf of Bothnia with around 2 °C. The levels of nutrients in the surface water (0-10 m) had generally increased …

Type: Report
Author: Martin Hansson
Published: Jan, 2020
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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 2-3, 2020


The surface temperature in January was above normal at all stations and varied between 7.5°C in the Skagerak and 5.4°C in the Baltic Proper. At the west coast, the pycnocline was observed at 15 – 20 meters and in the Baltic Proper the surface water was well mixed down to 25 – 70 meters, shallowest …

Type: Report
Author: Karin Wesslander
Published: Jan, 2020
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Including a climate perspective in Swedish marine planning


How the climate affects the sea is an important aspect of sustainable marine planning. The latest calculations of how a changed climate may affect the Baltic Sea and the North Sea will be incorporated into Sweden’s current marine planning.

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Report brings knowledge on green infrastructure in Nordic cities


Green spaces, parks and planting can help to create healthy cities that are sustainable in the long term. SMHI has worked with the City of Stockholm to create a knowledge base on green infrastructure. The report brings together knowledge and experience of using green infrastructure in climate …

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SMHI helps to determine phytoplankton species in the seas around Sweden


SMHI will be working together with Umeå University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology on a three-year project to evaluate high quality sequencing, or DNA barcoding, as a technique for quickly and reliably determining phytoplankton species in water samples. The project will study diversity, with …

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Changing conditions for plants in mountain chains


Will a changed climate and increased air pollution threaten the sensitive ecosystems of mountain chains? Are there also other threats, such as a greater risk of fires? These questions will be addressed by researchers in a project coordinated by SMHI.

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SMHI researcher elected President of IAHS


SMHI’s highly qualified hydrology researcher Berit Arheimer has been named the new President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) during the General Assembly in Montreal, Canada in July 2019. She was elected by large majority of the 48 voting countries.

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Researchers describe the development of the EC-Earth global climate model


Research and development carried out in recent years has resulted in a new version of the EC-Earth climate model to carry out new calculations of how the climate is changing. Here, some of SMHI’s researchers explain how the model has been developed to answer new research questions and provide more …

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New global climate calculations show faster warming


New calculations of how the world’s climate is changing confirm that the volume of greenhouse gas emissions makes a difference. They also show that warming is taking place at a faster rate than suggested by previous calculations. SMHI has now carried out the first calculations using the new version …

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Report compiles knowledge about climate extremes in Sweden


Researchers have compiled existing knowledge about extreme weather events in Sweden, noting an increase in the number of extreme heatwaves in recent decades. A changing climate is expected to bring a rise in extreme weather events, so it is important to learn more about them.

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