Bringing climate change into ecosystem based management of the sea: Data and methods for the Symphony framework Symphony - a cumulative assessment tool developed for Swedish Marine Spatial Planning

available data and information sources for climate proofing of Symphony and in addition, investigate how to include connectivity and habitat changes into Marine Spatial Planning. The work is a deliverable in the Formas project ClimeMarine - Integration of climate-change impacts into the ecosystem- based Last updated:

First national climate symposium in the bag

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC AR6). The research underlying the IPCC reports was presented by scientists who had been involved in various ways in writing the different chapters. Between the sessions, about fifty researchers showed their research on posters Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 15, 2021

continued, as at these there was a lower concentration of nutrients in the surface water compared with the levels during the previous cruise. In the Arkona and Bornholm Basin, the chlorophyll fluorometer on the CTD showed relatively low plankton activity in the surface layer down to the halocline. At Last updated:

New weather warnings

These new warnings will make it easier to understand problems that may be caused by the weather. The warning level will therefore reflect potential consequences that can be expected in a certain area. As we already know, the same weather can have different consequences in different places for Last updated:

Algae report number 1, 2022

. In the Kattegat the species diversity was rather high and dominated by diatoms. The total cell numbers were however low. The chlorophyll concentrations were normal for this month at all stations. The few species found at BY2 and BY4 in the southern Baltic Sea had low cell numbers. The integrated Last updated:

Framtidens översvämningsrisker.

A study of the impacts of global warming on future risks for floods and inundations in Sweden has been carried out on contract from Länsförsäkringsbolagens Forskningsfond. The work focussed on River Dalälven and the big lakes Vänern, Mälaren and Hjälmaren but some nationwide analyses were carried Last updated:

SMHI Annual report 2010

Annual reports
international research groups. Vegetation and climate interact via complicated pro- cesses. A vegetation model has been linked with a high- resolution climate model to study how these interactions influence future climate projections. Calculations indicate that, when vegetation is taken into account, the Last updated:

Sea threatens new treatment plant

. Bearing in mind climate warnings of rising sea levels in the future, it was soon clear that the plans for the new treatment plant would have to be safeguarded. An inquiry into how high sea levels could rise was ordered from SMHI. The results showed that there are likely to be occasions in the future when Last updated:

Climate indicators - sea ice

included, and neither are lakes such as Vänern, Vättern and Mälaren. Why is this indicator important? Mapping of sea ice has been done for a long time and is linked to shipping in the Baltic Sea area. From the 1970s, there has been an ambition to be able to keep ship traffic running to all important ports Last updated:

National symposium in Norrköping focuses on climate research

context. Activities include a free web course Knowledge about the Climate, the presentation of insights about the climate from a Swedish research perspective and the session Between power and powerlessness Translating our knowledge of the climate into political action (all in Swedish). – The symposium has Last updated: