Conference on regional climate attracts scientists from over 70 countries


Next week, 14-18 October, almost 500 regional climate researchers, decision makers and users of regional climate information from more than 70 countries will gather for the 4th International Conference on Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (ICRC-CORDEX 2019) in Beijing, China. …

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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 37-38, 2019


The surface temperature was normal for the season and varied between 14.5 - 17.5 ° C in the upper water mass. In the Baltic, there was a strong thermocline throughout the area, usually at about 30 meters depth with cold underlying water, in the Kattegat the temperature in the underlying water was …

Type: Report
Author: Örjan Bäck
Published: Oct, 2019
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Algae report number 9, 2019


Due to strong winds the Skagerrak could not be sampled. N14 Falkenberg and Anholt E in the Kattegat were sampled although Anholt E was visited only once during the cruise. The total cell numbers and the biodiversity were low at both stations and were dominated by small cells. The coccolithophorid …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen och Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Oct, 2019
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Maria Elenius



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Algae report number 8, 2019


All stations along the Swedish West coast had a domination of small cells. The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi dominated in cell numbers at more or less all stations. Different species of the order cryptomonadales were also common. In the Kattegat the larger cells were dominated by the diatom …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Sep, 2019
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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 33-34, 2019


The surface temperature was normal for the season and varied between 17-19 °C. Windy weather had mixed the warmer surface water in Skagerrak down to 60 meters and the thermocline was partly broken or deeper. The thermocline was observed at 15-20 meters in the rest of the area.
The nutrient …

Type: Report
Author: Karin Wesslander
Published: Aug, 2019
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SMHI is hosting expert meeting on rising sea levels


IPCC has released a special report focusing on the ocean and the cryosphere in a changing climate. Following the release, SMHI is hosting a workshop with the aim of exchanging knowledge on the topic and discussing its implications and benefits for Swedish climate planning.

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Work at SMHI

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Inclusive capacity development by SMHI at World Water Week


Long-term visions, time, social media and training of the next generation was highlighted as the key components for the future of capacity development, when SMHI showcased some recent projects experiences at the start of World Water Week in Stockholm.

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Application to workshop on sea level rise, November 7-8 2019

Welcome to express your interest in participating at Workshop on Sea Level Rise; IPCC SROCC Science and Planning for Climate Adaptation, November 7-8 2019, Vildmarkshotellet, Kolmården, Sweden. Please register your application here before 2019-10-06.  The conference fee is 2 500 SEK …

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