ClimeMarine – Climate change predictions for Marine Spatial Planning


The ClimeMarine project promotes ecosystem-based management of the Swedish seas with climate change considerations through close contact with stakeholders and decision-makers. The project is funded by Formas.

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Swedish coastal water bodies on Wikidata Combining WFD data with Wikidata


In accordance with the Water Framework Directive, the water district authorities report environmental information on Sweden’s surface water bodies to the EU.

Under the government commission Smartare miljöinformation to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Naturvårdsverket, the initiative …

Type: Report
Report Series: Oceanography 126
Author: Josefina Algotsson, Frank Van Der Stelt and Diala Abdoush
Published: Jul, 2019
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Mapping of phytotoxic ozone dose for birch, spruce, wheat and potato using the MATCH-Sweden system


We have added calculations of PODY for birch, spruce, wheat and potato to the MATCH-Sweden system. Several important updates compared to the previous implementation for generic crops and generic deciduous trees have been made including improved calculations of canopy level ozone concentrations, …

Type: Report
Report Series: Meteorologi 166
Author: Joakim Langner, Helene Alpfjord Wylde and Camilla Andersson
Published: Jul, 2019
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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 29, 2019


During the expedition, which is part of the Swedish national marine monitoring program, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Öresund, the Baltic Proper, was visited. The weather was sunny and mostly calm. Several surface accumulations of cyanobacteria were observed in the Baltic Sea. During the expedition, live …

Type: Report
Author: Lena Viktorsson
Published: Jul, 2019
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