Cruise report from R/V Svea week 42, 2020

in September, the highest salinity in the Skagerrak was measured at the station, which then had a salinity of just over 33 psu. At the stations in the Å-section, there was a surface layer with colder and sweeter water down to a depth of about 5 m. Below 5 m, the temperature increased 1-2 degrees Last updated:

Researchers show a faster decline of Arctic sea ice in the future with a new methodology

remain a little more. However, even in the low-emission scenario, sea ice area would be strongly reduced until 2050 with a risk for a complete disappearance in summer, but there is also about a chance for the sea ice cover to remain at a low level, 1-2 million km2, compared to about 4 million km2 today Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 46-47, 2020

there was then a deeper thermocline at 45 m and a second halocline around 20 m. The concentration of nutrients in the surface water has increased since October at almost all stations in the Skagerrak. The exception was Å13 where the content of DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) was unchanged and Last updated:

UN Day focuses on warning systems to limit natural disasters

significant gap in the ability to translate these warnings into action within society. The contributing organisations also point out that major investments are required in the future, as the climate changes and the risks of extreme weather increase. Capacity building in West Africa For many years, SMHI has Last updated:

Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2017 - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960-2017

approximately ~40 km³. This inflow was classified by Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (IOW) to be a Major Baltic Inflow (QFM96) of moderate intensity [Feistel et al. 2016]. The inflow came after a period of low water levels in the Baltic Sea in January and brought enough and heavy water to Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2021

toxin producing species. Pseudosolenia calcaravis was the species with high cell numbers at Släggö, Anholt E and N14 Falkenberg. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were normal at all stations for this month. The species diversity and total cell numbers were overall low in the Baltic Proper. The Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 3, 2001

.3°C and 4.7°C. These data of the lower and upper limit were measured at W Landskrona and GF6 respectively. Furthermore there was an extreme value of 6.17°C in the Ålborg bugt. The thermo- and haloclines, which were situated at 15-20 metres, were obvious in the Sound and along the Swedish and Danish Last updated:

Model calculations of dispersion of lindane over Europe. Pilot study with comparisons to easurements around the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat.

physical processes may have influence on the wet deposition and should be investigated in future studies. 2.3 Exchange with soil and water The MATCH model has, so far, only been developed for pollutants where no reemission processes from the ground have to be considered. This means that the dry deposition Last updated:

The use of the k - e turbulence model within the Rossby Centre regional ocean climate model: parameterization development and results.

total water exchange. Diffusion controls the vertical salt flux across the halocline and causes a permanent infl.ow of Kattegat water into the bottom layer of the Baltic Sea. This longest time scale of the system is of the order of 30 years. Already Welander (1974) included in his Baltic Sea model Last updated:

An energy balance model for prediction of surface temperatures.

surface and a numerical model with ten layers in the ground or road. In the road seivice system manually given forecasts of clouds and wind are used as input into the model. The initial values of surface temperatures are obtained on-line from the road stations involved. Forecasts of surface temperatures Last updated: