Annual report 2020

Annual report of the Swedish oceanographic monitoring in open seas. Last updated:

Algae report number 10, 2024

observed, while larger species like Coscinodiscus were also present. Chlorophyll concentrations in the upper 20 m were within expected limits for the seasonal norm. Fig 3. The diatom Dactyliosolen fragilissimus was very common at station BY38 in the Baltic Sea. Photo A. Torstensson. 4BY5 Bornholm Deep 21st Last updated:

Annual report 2019

input leading to a eutrophic state and oxygen deficiency in 8 Cruise reports from SMHI The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2019 8 Report Oceanography No. 69, 2019 the deep basins. The Gulf of Bothnia in the north is the freshest sea in Swedish waters with salinities <7. It is an Last updated:

Annual report 2014

/2004. It belongs to one of the five strongest inflows since the end of the 1800s. The inflow is likely to improve the oxygen situation in the Baltic Sea considerably, even though the water was slightly warmer than normal for the season, and then also less oxygen-rich. The salinity of the inflowing water Last updated:

Annual report 2015

Annual report of the Swedish oceanographic monitoring in open seas. Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2024

integrated chlorophyll concentrations were somewhat low in the Skagerrak and somewhat high in the Kattegat for this month. Species diversity and total cell numbers varied across stations in the Baltic Sea, with moderate levels at most sites. The diatom Dactyliosolen fragilissimus was abundant at several Last updated:

The conditions of the seas around Sweden. Report from the activities in 1991, including PMK - The National Swedish Programme for Monitoring of Environmental Quality Open Sea Programme

This report describe SMHls environmental monitoring in the open sea areas around Sweden, from the Skagerrak to the northem part of the Bothnian Sea  A great part of the results from the project described here are also reported as a national Swedish contribution to the Baltic Monitoring Programme Last updated:

Algae report number 8, 2024

fluorescence maximum was found at Å17 at 25 meters depth and was mainly caused by the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi*. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were normal at all stations. The southwestern part of the Baltic Sea had a clear dominance of the diatom Dactyliosolen fragilissimus but several Last updated:

Algae report number 7, 2024

The analyses were conducted onboard the R/V Svea during the cruise, which began in Falkenberg, traversed the Baltic Sea, and concluded on the west coast. Surface samples were collected at all stations in the Baltic Sea specifically to monitor cyanobacteria blooms. Additionally, water from Last updated:

Causes of water level drawdown on Lake Mweru Wantipa, Zambia

. The surface boundary of the lake was determined through GIS analysis.  Water level change was obtained from a staff gauge station at an interval of 48 hours. Water loss was then calculated using the water balance equitation with respect to the lake’s characteristics. 3. Water loss over a period of Last updated: