Algae report number 7, 2021

filamentous cyanobacteria where Aphanizomenon flosaquae was most common, Nodularia spumigena* less abundant and the genus Do- lichospermum even lesser abundant. The integrated sample indicated that the filaments most likely were dispersed into the water column. In the integrated sample Heterocapsa triquetra Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 6-7, 2021

 5 and 10 m depth, above the halocline the water was  colder and less saline and below the halocline the temperature and salinity increased. At some  stations the temperature increase was sharp and there the temperature was above normal at a  depth of 10‐15 m and then normal in the deep water. The salinity of the deep water Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 24, 2019

meters and the levels of hydrogen sulphide in the deep water were much higher than normal. From the surface down to about 25 meters depth, with at peak at about 20 meters, high chlorophyll fluorescence was noted throughout the investigated area, indicating an ongoing cyanobacteria bloom. Figure 1 Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 7-8, 2019

sulfide from 80 m depth to the bottom. In the Eastern Gotland Basin from BY15 and to the south there were traces of a smaller inflow with warmer water than the ambient water and low concentrations of oxygen (<0.5 ml/l) at around 100-115 m. From the station BY9 Klaipeda and south of this there was no Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 46-47, 2020

there was then a deeper thermocline at 45 m and a second halocline around 20 m. The concentration of nutrients in the surface water has increased since October at almost all stations in the Skagerrak. The exception was Å13 where the content of DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) was unchanged and Last updated:

UN Day focuses on warning systems to limit natural disasters

significant gap in the ability to translate these warnings into action within society. The contributing organisations also point out that major investments are required in the future, as the climate changes and the risks of extreme weather increase. Capacity building in West Africa For many years, SMHI has Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 17, 2004

directions. Periodically there was fog during the latter part of the expedition. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures varied between 7.2 and 7.7°C. Surface salinity was exceptional low, 24 psu, in the central Skagerrak (Å17). The current was strong and had a southern direction. The thermo- and halocline Last updated:

Algae report number 11, 2021

in moderate cell numbers at all stations. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were generally within normal for this month in the Skagerrak. In the Kattegat they were also within normal for the month except at Anholt E where they were a bit lower than normal. The total cell numbers and Last updated:

SMHI is hosting expert meeting on rising sea levels

relation to rising sea levels, coastal erosion and extreme sea level events. There are a limited number of places for the workshop but it is possible to apply for participation. “If you work with rising sea levels, as a scientist, expert or a planner, you are very welcome to express your interest in Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 40-44, 2007

the surface. Thermocline and halocline coincided at a depth of 10 metres. Oxygen content in bottom water was increasing after the summer and had reached 2 ml/l. The Kattegat and the Sound Surface water temperatures were normal for the season. They were between 9 and 10.5 °C. Surface salinities were Last updated: