Cruise report from R/V Svea week 23, 2020

Hanö Bight and the Bornholm Basin, oxygen levels in the bottom water have continued to decline. In March they were above 2 ml/l, which is the limit for acute oxygen deficiency, and now in June at 0.4 ml/l. The inflow that occurred in November/December 2019 was still visible at the southeastern Baltic Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 17, 2004

directions. Periodically there was fog during the latter part of the expedition. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures varied between 7.2 and 7.7°C. Surface salinity was exceptional low, 24 psu, in the central Skagerrak (Å17). The current was strong and had a southern direction. The thermo- and halocline Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2020

these mixotrophic species Mesodinium rubrum. The diatom genus Actinocyclus were found in moderate numbers. The community was otherwise dominated by very small cells in the size range of 1.5 -2 µm width. The integrated chlorophyll concentra- tions (0-10 m and 0-20 m) were within normal for this month Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 40-44, 2007

the surface. Thermocline and halocline coincided at a depth of 10 metres. Oxygen content in bottom water was increasing after the summer and had reached 2 ml/l. The Kattegat and the Sound Surface water temperatures were normal for the season. They were between 9 and 10.5 °C. Surface salinities were Last updated:

Algae report number 6, 2021

. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were normal at all stations for this month only exception was W Landskrona where they were above normal. The reported Prymnesiales* bloom from last month was still heavy and caused high chlorophyll fluorescence peaks at many stations. The peaks were too deep Last updated:

Invasive species in the Baltic Sea A model study of plankton transport

biodiversity. “The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments” [5] (the BWM Convention) requires ships in international traffic to install technical equipment to prevent them from spreading marine species between different ports with their ballast water. In Last updated:

New webinar series about the weather forecasts that affect your powermarket

as a stepping stone for the new and exciting webinars we have in the works for 2022. These short, but informative webinars are FREE and hosted by SMHI weather professionals. Save the dates! Four Fridays 19 November - 10 December 11 00-11 15 CET What you will learn The very foundations of weather that Last updated:

Towards warning systems for urban flooding

results in an easily accessible and meaningful way to those that need the information, such as water and wastewater organisations and the emergency services," says Jonas Olsson. We are increasing knowledge and understanding, finding the limitations of the different systems and models and tying them into Last updated:

What you can do about climate change

example, by considering how you travel, eat and buy you can find new ways of living a good life. Sometimes the solution may be recycling instead of buying totally new things. Industry and public sector The industry and the public sector have a wide responsibility for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Last updated:

A basis to estimate marginal cost for air traffic in Sweden. Modelling of ozone, primary and secondary particles and deposition of sulfur and nitrogen.

Sweden has been estimated using a newly developed methodology. The aviation emissions have been categorized by their emission altitude (LTO, low cruise and high cruise) and flight nationality (international, national and overflight). This aviation emission information was then used as input data to the Last updated: