Transports and budgets of oxygen and phosphorus in the Baltic sea

controlled by the oxygen conditions (e.g. Conley et al., 2002) and the correlation between these variables is indicated by the phosphate-oxygen diagram in Fig. 5. There is an increase of phosphate concentrations with decreasing oxygen concentrations and a very rapid increase when the water becomes hypoxic Last updated:

Modelling of anthropogenic sulfur deposition to the African and South American continent.

Activity (GEIA) (Benkowitz et al., 1993) (see Figure 2). The inventory takes fuel combustion and industrial activities into account, valid for year 1987. Biomass burning is not included in this study. The total emissions of SOx within the model area is 13.3 Tg S yr- 1 , divided into 3.0 Tg S yr- 1 for Last updated:

Cruise report from M/V Meri week 11-12, 2018

. For more information on species composition see separate algae report "AlgAware". Nutrients in the form of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) in the surface layer were generally at normal levels throughout the investigated area. The silicate concentrations in the southern Baltic Last updated:

Cruise report from M/V Aura week 15-16, 2018

or less developed between 10 and 20 meters depth. The nutrients were influenced by the current spring bloom and were partially or almost completely consumed. Nutrients in the form of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, DIN (the sum of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia), were on normal levels for the season and Last updated:

Sandra-Esther Brunnabend

future changes in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions. Research interests high resolution regional ocean and climate modelling particle tracking near in coastal regions and fjords water exchange in coastal regions, archipelagos and fjords ocean circulation change Special competences Numerical modelling Last updated:

The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2017 Hydrography Nutrients Phytoplankton

the Baltic Sea. However, there was no inflow event observed at the same time but a smaller inflow occurred a couple of days before. Smaller inflows have the tendency to be mixed in the Arkona Basin and then some of the water again flows out through the Sound. The sea surface temperature increased from Last updated:

BALTEX Radar Data Centre Products and their Methodologies

take them from the closest station with them. If, however, analyzed fields are available at regular intervals instead, they provide an easily man- agable and internally consistent alternative. The variables can be taken from the corresponding pixel in the analyzed fields. Stations outside the analysis Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 16, 2020

inorganic phosphorus, DIP, were normal or above normal in the surface except in the Sound were levels were below normal. Oxygen concentrations in the Arkona Basin were good, and measured minimum concentration in the bottom water was 5.2 ml/l. In the Bight of Hanö, the Bornholm Basin and in the southeastern Last updated:

Algae report number 4, 2021

övriga östliga stationerna var de integrerade klorofyllvärdena (0-10 m) höga men inom det normala för månaden. Vid de västliga stationerna var de låga efter förra månadens vårblomning. Abstract After the spring bloom there were mostly small cells left and a few dinoflagellates and diatoms in both Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 3-5, 2021

the season, and concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were normal for the season. Oxygen concentrations in the bottom water of the investigated areas were good and aried from 4.3 to 6.8 ml/l. Last updated: