Erik Kjellström takes up position of SMHI’s Professor of Climatology


Erik Kjellström is taking up the position of Professor of Climatology at SMHI. With a Professor of Climatology, SMHI is strengthening its research, increasing the focus on international partnerships and developing research in the field of regional climate modelling.

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Developing climate services with user value


SMHI is involved in two European research projects that aim to develop climate services together with users. This aims to make the climate services more user-friendly and appropriate, so that they meet the needs that exist in society.

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Development of an improved environmental monitoring in the Baltic Sea


Researchers from SMHI participate in the BONUS FUMARI project. The project will evaluate environmental monitoring in the Baltic Sea with regard to international and European legislation, directives and policies. The aim of BONUS FUMARI is to propose improvements in the monitoring system that may …

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Algae report number 8, 2018


The species diversity was rather high at most stations along the Swedish west coast. The total cell numbers were rather low. Diatoms dominated and the genus Pseudo-nitzschia* was found in then highest concentrations. The coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi was abundant at most stations.
The …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Nov, 2018
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Climate change and societal development affects nutrient discharge to the Baltic Sea


Research has shown that the problem of nutrient discharges from land and thereby eutrophication in the Baltic Sea is probably being exaggerated by the ongoing climate change. New calculations show that the release of nutrients into the Baltic Sea could decline. However, this will require society to …

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Researchers gathering knowledge on climate extremes for climate adaptation in Sweden


SMHI will compile knowledge on climate extremes in Sweden, particularly relating to precipitation and drought. The work will be presented in a report which collates existing knowledge and identifies knowledge gaps for use in the work relating to the climate adaptation of society.

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Baltic Sea leads the way for the world’s oceans


Warming, acidification, eutrophication and anoxic bottoms are some of the current and expected future challenges to face the world’s oceans. An international research team is now launching the Baltic Sea region as a model to predict and overcome future changes in the world’s coastal regions.

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Long-term sulfur and nitrogen deposition in Sweden 1983-2013 reanalysis


A unique long-term (1983-2013) dataset of sulfur and nitrogen deposition has been compiled for Sweden as well as the Baltic Sea and surrounding countries, based on quality controlled measurements and modelled fields, fused though advanced methods capturing spatial and temporal variations. The data …

Type: Report
Report Series: Meteorology 163
Author: Camilla Andersson, Helene Alpfjord Wylde, Magnuz Engardt
Published: Nov, 2018
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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 42, 2018


Initial problems with our CTD caused some delays since a thorough troubleshooting had to be performed. The problem turned out to be the computer and probably a malfunctioning serial port. The computer could temporarily be replaced until we reached Lysekil, there a permanent replacement computer was …

Type: Report
Author: Örjan Bäck
Published: Nov, 2018
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