Bolin Centre for climate research


The Bolin Centre for climate research is a multi-disciplinary consortium of 350 scientists in Sweden that conducts research and graduate education related to the Earth's climate.

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The Rossby Centre is involved in national and international networks within climate science, modelling and research.

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Regional spreading of pollutants from fibre banks in the Bothnian Sea


Before 1969, waste and chemicals used in the Swedish forest industry (pulp and paper mills), were allowed to be discharged directly in nature, most often in the closest watercourse. Today, the pollutants are an environmental issue. Researchers will now investigate how far the pollutants can be …

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A basis to estimate marginal cost for air traffic in Sweden. Modelling of ozone, primary and secondary particles and deposition of sulfur and nitrogen.


In this study we have investigated the effects of emissions from aviation on air quality in both Swedish and European domains. The results will be used as a basis to estimate the marginal cost for air traffic in Sweden. The vertical, geographical and temporal distribution of aviation emissions over …

Type: Report
Report Series: Meteorology 162
Author: Wing Leung, Fredrik Windmark, Ludvik Brodl, Joakim Langner
Published: Sep, 2018
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Cooperation is a must for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change


The consequences of this summer’s weather have included droughts, heatwaves and wildfires, straining the society’s capacity to cope with such perils. Most of the Nordic and Baltic countries have experienced the hottest summer on record, while the number of days with rain in parts of Iceland was …

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SMHI expands European archive of climate simulations


Together with eight subcontractors, SMHI will expand Copernicus’ archive of detailed regional climate simulations for Europe. This will allow for comparisons of how different emission levels affect climate change.

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SMHI develops European operational climate service for the water sector


In stiff competition with other major European institutes, SMHI has signed a contract with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to develop an operational climate service for the water sector in Europe. The development is being conducted within Copernicus, the European …

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A bilateral project between Sweden and Brazil will improve knowledge about heat in cities


In a new bilateral project between Sweden and Brazil, researchers and experts will share knowledge about heat in cities. Contact has been made with the Brazilian city of Fortaleza, where they will map the urban climate in order to see how heat is distributed in the city and find the city’s cool …

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Heatwave in May 2018: “It was unusually warm; exceptional, even”


How unusual is it that the May weather is as hot as it was this year in Sweden? Will this become commonplace in a changed climate? At SMHI, researchers and climatologists have analysed weather statistics and concluded that it was uncommonly warm and that it represented a record high which could …

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Collaboration increases knowledge of climate modelling in South America


Regional climate modelling is a key element in laying the groundwork for decisions on matters where climate change affects society. To expand local knowledge of regional climate modelling, the CORDEX network is currently arranging workshops for regional climate modelling with the aim of increasing …

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