Sulphur simulations for East Asia using the MATCH model with meteorological data from ECMWF

00 m 0 ~ 0 0 urface 5 2 0 5 0 5 2 Sulphate concentration [µg S m-3] Figure 15. As Figure 13, but for May 1993. Although the profiles in Fig. 12-15 are smoothed out during the construction of the monthly mean, they still contain interesting pieces of information. A clear influence from the large point Last updated:

CRESCENDOschools - European network of Schools for Earth System Modelling and Climate Change

techniques CRESCENDO’s scientists use to understand and predict climate change. Students proactively worked with researchers, but mostly among themselves, to develop resources suitable for use by science students at similar stages in their education. In doing this our aim was to both increase the scientific Last updated:

Presentations and videos

January 9, 2018 was the kick-off for the CRESCENDOschools for a new group of students! In the video on the right we collected some testomies from the students. The visits included serious gaming but also "serious lectures"! Below are some of these lectures available for download. Last updated:

Serious gaming

agriculture in case of droughts. The game is ideally played at workshops, with the participants divided among different interest groups, such as the Agricultural Society and the Business and Trade Association. These groups then act and interact in their own interest, but through voting take united decisions Last updated:

Cruise report from M/V Aura week 41, 2017

thermocline was found close to the surface between 5-20 meters depth. Concentrations of nutrients in the surface water hade increased since the last cruise in September. The level of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, (sum on nitrate, nitrite and ammonia) ranged from below the detection limit to 0.67 µmol/l, which Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 46, 2003

November 15th. During the expedition a hydrographic investigation of Knoll´s bank in the Baltic was completed. There were moderate, mainly southeasterly winds during the expedition. There was no rain, but most days were cloudy. Air temperature was 6-8ºC. The Skagerrak Surface water temperature was 9.6°C in Last updated:

Climate fluctuations in Sweden 1860-1987.

is strongly connected with westerly and southwesterly inflow of mild and humid Atlantic air-masses. Another interesting but still somewhat questionable feature is the dry early decades. 2 The data set. In figure 1 the stations used here are given. They are grouped into two regions, one in the south Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 19-20, 2019

respectively. A weakly developed halocline was observed between 5 and 15 meters. The surface layer temperature (0–10 m) had begun to increase somewhat but a clear and sharp thermocline was not noted. The spring bloom had consumed most of the nutrients in the surface layer and there were low concentrations of Last updated:

Film: Climate Change Adaptation in Sweden

Representatives from several Swedish municipalities present how they have dealt with some of their challenges securing drinking water from bacteria outbreaks, constructing roads differently to avoid flooding and using special routines within elderly care during heatwaves. The film can serve as an Last updated: