Cruise report from R/V Argos week 27, 2009

Skagerrak Surface water temperatures were above normal throughout the investigated area. The highest, 19.8°C at Å13 and 18.7°C at the entrance of the Gullmar Fjord and at P2. Surface salinities increased from 22,5 psu outside Lysekil, which was lower than normal to 30 psu in the central parts. Thermo- and Last updated:

Hydropower production forecasts

SMHI provides Montel with valuable weather data and has built a smart solution to forecast power production for renewable generation. The solution is built using machine learning, which delivers high quality predictions for plant operators. For hydro power production, we deliver two types of Last updated:

Climate change makes reducing eutrophication even more important

even create better conditions for the Baltic Sea than what we have today.” The importance of reduced nutrient supply Over the last 50 years, the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea have invested considerable resources in reducing the nutrient supply from the land, including through more efficient Last updated:

The research vessel R/V Argos

includes Decca, Shipmate and GPS navigators with video plotters, an ARPA radar (10 cm) and two 3 cm daylight radars. The ship is also equipped with GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) and an Inmarsat-C communication system (International Maritime Organization). The hydrographic equipment Last updated:

Over-fertilisation of the sea

in the oxygen-rich water above the thermocline. Annual, hair-like algae benefit from these conditions, and together with an increase in plankton production lead to a reduction in transparency. When the macroalgae do not get enough light, the mat of seaweed rises closer to the surface. The increased Last updated:

Research to achieve an improved Earth System understanding - Baltic Earth

and inconsistencies in the current knowledge. The programme focuses on the following Grand Challenges Salinity dynamics in the Baltic Sea. Land-Sea biogeochemical feedbacks in the Baltic Sea region. Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region. Understanding sea level dynamics using Last updated:

Daniel Yazgi

Ph.D., Reasearcher email Research gate ID   Fields of work Model evaluation, high resolution weather prediction, model uncertainty, ensemble forecasting. Research interests Numerical modelling Model evaluation Data assimilation and inverse methods Publications Last updated:

Algae report number 8, 2020

spumigena*. De integrerade klorofyllhalterna (0-20 m) var inom det normala, förutom vid BY32 och BY38 där de var något över det normala för denna månad. Abstract The phytoplankton diversity was higher in the Kattegat than in the Skagerrak. In the Kattegat there was an obvious impact of the Baltic blooms Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 35, 1998

Basin and in the Hanö Bight. In the surface water the nitrate concentrations were below the limit of detection and the phosphate concentrations were of the level 0.1-0.2 μmol/l. Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 50, 2015

The water temperature was slightly above normal throughout the study area. The concentrations of nutrients in surface water were normal for the season in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. In the Baltic proper, concentrations of inorganic nitrogen (NO2 NO3) were at normal levels in the surface water Last updated: