Film: Adapt to a changing climate – how and why?

This animated film can serve as an inspiration and introduction ahead of further discussions and is suitable for both beginners and practioners. It can for example be shown together with the film "Adapt to a climate in change - examples from Swedish municipalities". The film is two minutes long, in Last updated:

Welcome to a new version of the Swedish Portal for Climate Change Adaptation

“We see a growing interest in climate change adaptation, and there is also increased international collaboration in the field. Therefore it is even more important that we provide information on our Swedish initiatives”, says Ingrid Gudmundsson, from the Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Last updated:

Policy for passwords

Use unique and long passwords To protect your information, it is important to use specific passwords for each service you use at work or in private. If you have the same password for several different services, the risk increases that several of your accounts will be hijacked. A long password in Last updated:

BioDiv-Support: A web tool that can be used to plan for adaptation

We constructed a list of climate, air pollution and ecosystem indices in collaboration with stakeholders, and this was used in the design of the web tool. The web tool is publicly available online. We provide maps of selected indicators, based on high-resolution climate, air quality and dynamic Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 45-46, 2018

bottom. For the other stations the salinity in the surface was normal for the season, 26.2-29.5 psu, and rose with increased depth. A weak halocline and thermocline was found at about 40 meters depth at the stations closest to the coast. Concentrations of nutrients in the form of dissolved inorganic Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 43, 2014

of N2O in hypoxic waters, where this strong greenhouse gas is formed through a denitrification process. The goal was to study the formation of N2O following the inflow of water that took place in Feb-Mar 2014, and which oxygenated large parts of the Baltic Sea deep water – this subsequently led to Last updated:

GreenInUrbs - “Green Infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests” (COST Action FP1204)

Implementation and diffusion of models for the estimation of the benefits derived from UF A roadmap for policy makers in order to provide indicators, thresholds and tools to be included in legislation at local, national or European level regarding the governance of GI and UF A Book, including all the main Last updated:

Denica Bozhinova

Records Involved Projects KlimatScenarioTjänst, Climate Information Portal, C3S WaterSIS  Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 49-50, 2018

were generally below normal levels for the season, except for silicate concentrations in the Kattegat, where levels were normal. In the northern part of the Baltic Proper the concentrations of silicate and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) where above normal levels in the surface water, in the Last updated: