Cruise report from R/V Argos week 35, 2001

of 36 metres. The Baltic Sea Surface water temperatures varied between 17 and 18oC in the main part of the area. However, in the Western Gotland Basin, the temperature was only 15.5oC. The thermocline, which was very sharp was located at a depth of 20 metres in the whole area. The halocline was found Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 24, 2001

and in an intermediate layer at a depth of 70 metres at Christiansö, in the Bornholm Basin. PRELIMINARY RESULTS The cruise, part of the SMHI ordinary monitoring programme, began in Göteborg on the 11th of June and ended in the same port on the 18th and included a visit in Ronneby during the weekend Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 24, 2002

port June 15. The expedition began with very warm and calm weather. The temperature at night during sampling in the Skagerrak was about 18 degrees. The fine weather was interrupted the day after by thunder and a low pressure of short duration. During the later part of the expedition there was a gale Last updated:

Algae report number 5, 2020

Tripos (previously Ceratium) was most common at these stations. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were low but within normal for the month at all stations along the west coast. The species diversity was generally high in the Baltic Sea, but the total cell numbers were low except for the stations Last updated:

Evaluation of open sea boundary conditions for the coastal zone. A model study in the northern part of the Baltic Proper.

primary aim is to utilize the output from the RCO-SCOBI for past and future investigations of the coastal zone. We therefore performed a series of sensitivity tests and investigated the effect from these tests on the physical as well as the biogeochemical variables in this coastal area. 7 2 Method 2 Last updated:

Health effects of heat stress

circumstances in which a reduced ability to deal with high temperatures has been demonstrated are most common among the elderly. Many initiatives have therefore been directed towards older people. In Sweden, an increase in hospital admissions when temperatures rise, particularly as a consequence of respiratory Last updated:

Climate change and societal development affects nutrient discharge to the Baltic Sea

researchers assume that society will become more sustainable in the future, nutrient inputs will instead fall below current levels. If researchers perform calculations based on the assumption that society will continue to be based on fossil fuels, nitrogen inputs will increase somewhat, but the input of Last updated:

What is climate change doing to the Baltic Sea?

The ongoing climate change is causing the temperature in the air and sea to rise, flows of fresh water into the Baltic Sea to increase and more carbon dioxide to be absorbed in the water, causing acidification. Climate change is largely caused by man, and communities around the Baltic Sea will be Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 32, 2007

cruise. The daytime air temperature was well over 20 °C. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures varied between 17.9 °C in the central part of the area and 18.9°C in the coastal areas. Surface salinities were normal. The thermocline was found at 50 metres depth. All nutrients in the surface waters of Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 4-6, 2020

The expedition was included within SLU s International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. Mapping of winter nutrient conditions was performed in the Skagerrak and 10 stations with complete hydrography were sampled. In the Kattegat area 16 stations were sampled with ctd Last updated: