Formas Fosfor

assumed. Recent studies of land ice melting rates suggest that future sea level rise may be higher than the values reported in AR4. To investigate changing internal loads of phosphorus due to future changes in salinity. We will quantify the impacts on the ecosystem, bottom water oxygen concentrations as Last updated:

Evaluation and allocation of Water Resources: Application of the WEAP21 Model to the Upper Comoé River Basin

scenarios was taken from the KNMI Climate Explorer (2017) website. Several scenarios were modelled to assess their impacts on water needs satisfaction levels in the basin by 2100. The following results were obtained (see the figure below) Assuming an average temperature increase of 2°C by 2100 (RCP2 Last updated:

Tharcisse Ndayizigiye

Role in team International project manager Expertise International development cooperation Climate change Agriculture Environment and water resources Rural livelihood Africa context Multilingual (french, english, swedish and swahili)   Last updated:

Storm surges

be amplified due to resonance. As the anomaly grows it can propagate itself as a series of waves. When these meet the coast a storm surge occurs. Due to the large wave length and long wave period this behaviour is interpreted as a change in water level instead of as a wave. Last updated:

Inclusive capacity development by SMHI at World Water Week

between SMHI and West African counties. Following this were interactive audience engagement and interviews with SMHI partners in Niger, South Africa and India, moderated by Dr Lorna Little. The objectives of the showcase were to raise awareness of information and communication technology as a vehicle for Last updated:

Large-scale hydrological modelling ​ ​

. Insufficient knowledge can incur large problems for society (e.g. loss of lives and ecosystem services, damaged infrastructure, disrupted transportation, cuts in energy supply, reduced food production, release of untreated sewage to water bodies, and deterioration in public health). However, with accurate and Last updated:

Hydrology of the Baltic Basin. Inflow of fresh water from rivers and land for the period 1950–1990.


Type: Report
Report Series: RH 7
Author: Sten Bergström and Bengt Carlsson
Published: 1993
Last updated:

Local Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Upper Thukela River Basin, South Africa - Recommendations for Adaptation.

on interactions between stakeholders in the Mhlwazini/Bergville area of the Thukela River basin, climate and water researchers from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg Campus) and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) during a series of workshops held in 2007 Last updated:

The new co-developed hydrological service SMHI Aqua is now available online for support on decision-making for water supply

meteorological and hydrological stations, including precipitation, temperature, discharge, water and sea levels. You can change background map and check the measured data in diagrams and table form. SMHI Aqua is presented in the demo with English and Swedish options but it can be set up in any language of choice Last updated: