
GLOBAQUA (Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity) is a EU-funded project aiming to identify the prevalence of, and interaction between, stressors under water scarcity in order to improve knowledge of relationships between multiple stressors and to …

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HELIX (High-end climate impacts and extremes) is assisting decision-makers and the research community in making adaptation to our changing climate more understandable and manageable by providing a set of credible, coherent, global and regional views of different worlds at 2, 4 and 6°C, and now …

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The oxygen situation in the Baltic Sea 2008

Type: Report
Author: Anna-Kerstin Thell, Martin Hansson, Lars Andersson, Philip Axe
Published: Apr, 2017
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The oxygen situation in the Baltic Sea

Annual report - Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea.

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VAT identification number and bank account

Here you find important information about SMHI's VAT identification number and bank account.

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Cruise report from R/V Dana week 3-5, 2017


The expedition was included within SLU:s International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. Mapping of winter nutrient conditions was performed in the Skagerrak and 12 stations with complete hydrography were sampled, 3 ordinary SMHI stations were sampled due to a storm …

Type: Report
Author: Anna-Kerstin Thell
Published: Mar, 2017
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SMHI produces climate statistics for the whole world


In 2016, SMHI were commissioned by IKEA to calculate climate statistics for their global product range.

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Algae report number 3, 2017


The phytoplankton genus Pseudochattonella spp.*, which is potentially harmful to fish when in high abundancies, was still blooming in the Kattegat and Skagerrak areas during the March cruise. The genus caused chlorophyll fluorescence maxima at several stations. The diatom spring bloom seems smaller …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Mar, 2017
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