Impressions from the WCRP JSC-41 Conference in May 2020

requires answers and input; WCRP with its partners stand ready to live up to those expectations," says Detlef Stammer.  Now there is homework to do including lots of consultations, brainstorming among and across the core activities of the WCRP and with the partners. It will also include regional Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 20-21, 2017

lower, around 9 psu. The halocline and thermocline coincided at all stations, where also fluorescence maxima were observed which indicate phytoplankton blooms in the pycnocline where there are some nutrients available. Alternatively these fluorescence maxima comes from older blooms that have sunk down Last updated:

Effects of the 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warming on the African climate

Africa) at both global warming levels, but uncertainties are large as the individual simulations do not agree on a sign of the change. “In contrast to mean precipitation there is a consistent increase in daily precipitation intensity of wet days over large fraction of tropical Africa emerging already at Last updated:

ECRA - European Climate Research Alliance

. Develop links and sustained partnerships with industry to strengthen the interplay between research outcomes and innovation and to foster the early take-up of promising results. Provide advice to policy and public in respect to climate change. The following Collaborative Programmes have been initiated in Last updated:

Jude Musuuza

Services Expertis Hydrologisk modellering Hydrolmeteorologiska prognoser Användning av stora datamängder Analyser av indikatorer för torka Professional records Projektdeltagande i   PrimeWater, ESHAPE, FANFAR, HYPOS, SNOW-CCI, HYPE-ERAS, CLINT, I-CISK Last updated:

North pole soon to be ice free in summer

The Arctic Ocean in summer will very likely be ice free before 2050, at least temporally. The efficacy of climate-protection measures will determine how often and for how long. These are the results of a new research study involving 21 research institutes from around the world, coordinated by Dirk Last updated:

Naturtypsbestämning av miljöövervakningsstationer SMHI pelagial miljöövervakning

station. SMHI önskar en avstämning och genomgång av insamlad informationen, med ArtDatabanken, innan rapportering till datavärd. Detta för att säkra upp kvalitet av innehåll hos datavärd, samt att låta ArtDatabanken ta beslut om vilket datamaterial som ska in till datavärd. Allt bildmaterial samt Last updated:

Dialogue creates usable base data for decisions

studies of users’ needs in order to be able to structure information to make it more useful as decision-making support for climate adaptation. Half way into the project, they have been conducting a user dialogue based on the new material produced by the researchers. The user dialogue is taking place based Last updated:

Erik Kjellström takes up position of SMHI’s Professor of Climatology

since 2003. “It’s extremely important that society’s knowledge of the climate system and climate change continues to develop. The professorship gives us an opportunity to strengthen SMHI’s contribution to this knowledge and to increase collaboration with universities and research institutes in Sweden Last updated:

Model study on the variability of ecosystem parameters in the Skagerrak-Kattegat area, effect of load reduction in the North Sea and possible effect of BSAP on Skagerrak-Kattegat area

. (2011) included a function describing the increased silicate uptake by diatoms with increasing SiO2 DIN ratios to match the observations. In the current investigation it would not be possible to use such an approach since mass conservation is important for the investigation of possible scenarios to Last updated: