Ana Cristina Carvalho

 stratospheric ozone down to the surface, and particulate matter dust outbreaks. Air quality climatology on both measured and modelled data. Research Interests Ozone transport and production Particulate matter Statistical analysis of meteorological and air quality data Special competences Regional air quality Last updated:

Sea ice

hard and clear. In the saltier water of Skagerrak the ice is less hard, and is instead grainy and porous, although still solid. When the weather is calm and cold, new ice forms a thin film on the surface. This mostly happens in the still waters of the archipelago and in small bays. If the wind freshens Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 20-21, 2017

lower, around 9 psu. The halocline and thermocline coincided at all stations, where also fluorescence maxima were observed which indicate phytoplankton blooms in the pycnocline where there are some nutrients available. Alternatively these fluorescence maxima comes from older blooms that have sunk down Last updated:

Model study on the variability of ecosystem parameters in the Skagerrak-Kattegat area, effect of load reduction in the North Sea and possible effect of BSAP on Skagerrak-Kattegat area

. (2011) included a function describing the increased silicate uptake by diatoms with increasing SiO2 DIN ratios to match the observations. In the current investigation it would not be possible to use such an approach since mass conservation is important for the investigation of possible scenarios to Last updated:

Researchers studying how climate change affects nature and society in Siberia

involvement The project focuses on the major rivers in Yakutia in Eastern Siberia, through collaboration between natural and social science researchers in Sweden, Russia and Japan as well as stakeholders at federal, republic, and local levels in Yakutia. The researchers in the project specialize in Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2019

concentrations were within normal for this month. In the southwestern Baltic, the integrated chlorophyll (0-10 and 0-20 m) concentrations were above normal for this month which mainly was caused by diatoms. Even in the southeastern Baltic Proper as well as at BY32 (0-20 m), chlorophyll concentrations were Last updated:

Naturtypsbestämning av miljöövervakningsstationer SMHI pelagial miljöövervakning

station. SMHI önskar en avstämning och genomgång av insamlad informationen, med ArtDatabanken, innan rapportering till datavärd. Detta för att säkra upp kvalitet av innehåll hos datavärd, samt att låta ArtDatabanken ta beslut om vilket datamaterial som ska in till datavärd. Allt bildmaterial samt Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 1-2, 2017

the surface water had increased since the December cruise, the concentrations in deeper layers remained lower than normal. Levels of silicate were however lower than normal in the surface water. The phosphate concentration was 0.51-0.53 µmol/l, the inorganic nitrogen was 4.67 - 4.95 µmol/l. The Last updated:

Forecasts and present state in OceanWeb

at OceanWeb. Help plan coastal and open ocean leisure activities   If you are a private person considering when to get your boat or jetty out of the water you might want to check the sea levels – what is the level now, what was it yesterday, how much will it rise or drop in the next few days? When Last updated: