The climate of the future has been analyzed in 13 counties

landforms. Risks for flooding SMHI also compiles current knowledge for other areas such as flooding risks around Lake Vänern and Lake Mälaren. - Broadly speaking, all public sectors are affected by the changing climate. The report provides us with the necessary knowledge base relating to climatic change in Last updated:

Ice reconnaissance and forecasts in Storfjorden, Svalbard.


Ice reconaissance using almost daily satellite data from NOAA-AVHRR covering Storfjorden, Svalbard was performed by the SMHI during May to July 1987. This operational project aimed at forecasting the first possible date when a vessel was able to land at Haketangen on the eastern coast of …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 8
Author: Bertil Håkansson
Published: Sep, 1988
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FANFAR in Burkina Faso - Building resilience through effective operational flood forecasting and alerts

project are to Make operational flood forecast and alert information (flood hazard summary reports) available through the . Build capacity on how to integrate new datasets, operationalize and operate the FANFAR system. Establish the use of the FANFAR system with national, regional and local institutions Last updated:

Destination Earth – development of a digital twin of the Earth

Earth can be used Destination Earth will support the management of complex environmental changes Monitor and simulate the development of Earth's systems (land, sea, atmosphere, and biosphere) and human needs for protective measures. Predict environmental disasters and the resulting socio-economic crises Last updated:

Meet SMHI researcher Andrea Popp: "It was only then I realised that research was for me"

when I saw news reports about, for example, dead whales or environmental pollution." Did you always know you were going to be a scientist? "No, I knew I wanted to work on environmental issues, but I didn't know how to do it. No one in my family had studied at university when I was growing up, so it was Last updated:

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate in Bugesera District

The three-year (2017-2020) Nordic Climate Fund (NCF) supported project supported green growth for sustainable livelihoods in eight sectors of the Bugesera district of Rwanda, through fruit trees and tree cover, using green irrigation and low carbon technologies, and inspiring smallholder farmers to …

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Satellite-estimated cloudiness from NOAA AVHRR data in the Nordic are during 1993.

Agency SMHI S-601 76 NORRKÖPING Sweden Author (s) Karl-Göran Karlsson Title (and Subtitle) Report number RMK66 Report thresholds, T,. < Twinte~J.m,,w .ice A1 > Cloudthre,hol,t , T3 - T,. > 6 deg Ci over low ,middle clouds, thick Ci Stratus/fog Stratocumulus Cumulus over land/sea T10ohPu > T,. > Tsooh Last updated:

Ice accretion on ships with special emphasis on Baltic conditions

icing rates increases with increasing salinity. For example with comparable meteorological conditions the de- gree of icing should be smaller on Lake Vänern then on Skagerrak. an increase of the sea surface temperature will cause a considerable decrease of the icing rate. the icing rate hasa maximum at Last updated:

Deforestation changed the climate in Europe during the Bronze Age

to see what effect the change in land surface had on the climate, the researchers led by Gustav Strandberg (SMHI) looked at reconstructions of the land surface derived from analysis of thousands of years-old pollen grains preserved in lake sediments. Using a vegetation model, they also simulated what Last updated:

Project will provide information that facilitates climate adaptation

In order to provide useful climate information that meets the needs, the information will be co-produced in close collaboration with stakeholders from key sectors such as agriculture, finance and public administration. The useful and seamless climate information will span across time- and spatial Last updated: