Cristina Alionte Eklund appointed Hydrological Adviser for WMO in Europe

designed to support weather and water institutions in other countries, primarily in Africa in order to develop relevant water and climate information services. Cristina is a hydrologist and has extensive experience in international project management. By way of example, she has worked with the European Last updated:

Effects of the 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warming on the African climate

Africa) at both global warming levels, but uncertainties are large as the individual simulations do not agree on a sign of the change. “In contrast to mean precipitation there is a consistent increase in daily precipitation intensity of wet days over large fraction of tropical Africa emerging already at Last updated:

Measuring wind with the Aeolus research satellite

direct wind observations come from radiosondes and aircraft-based observations. Wind information from remote regions, over the oceans, in the tropics and for the southern hemisphere is mostly indirect. Therefore there are no global measurements for wind fields, which makes it difficult to improve weather Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon week 37, 2011

metres. All analyzed nutrients taken from the surface layer in Kattegat and in the Sound indicated levels near the normal for the season. Concentration of phosphorus in the Kattegat surface waters was 0.1 µmol/l (Anholt E, Fladen and N14). At W Landskrona phosphorus concentration in the surface water was Last updated:

New research gives an indication of the amount of summer precipitation in Northern Europe

normal, normal or wetter than normal,” says Ramón Fuentes Franco. Indicates amount of summer precipitation With this new knowledge, researchers can explain about 40 percent of the total variation in summer precipitation. Based on the new knowledge presented, which conditions can be expected for the Last updated:

Jude Musuuza

Services Expertis Hydrologisk modellering Hydrolmeteorologiska prognoser Användning av stora datamängder Analyser av indikatorer för torka Professional records Projektdeltagande i   PrimeWater, ESHAPE, FANFAR, HYPOS, SNOW-CCI, HYPE-ERAS, CLINT, I-CISK Last updated:

Decision-makers from Africa on climate change Training Programme at SMHI

On behalf of Sida, SMHI will carry out nine international education programmes for different parts of Africa in the field of "Climate Change - Mitigation and Adaptation". A total of 250 decision-makers will participate in these training programmes over the next six years. "The programme is broad in Last updated:

Currents in the Gulf of Bothnia. During the Field Year of 1991.

(BY28), the southern part of the Bothnian Sea (SR5), the northern part of the Bothnian Sea (US5B) and the southern part of the Bothnian Bay (F9). The marked area in the BY28 and the US5B diagrams roughly indicate the water above the sill depth of the entrance to the Bothnian Sea and the Bothnian Bay Last updated:

Algae report number 8, 2019

Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans. In the Skagerrak the larger cells were mainly different naked dinoflagellates. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were low but within normal for the month. Filamentous cyanobacteria were low in general in cell numbers this month and at Last updated:

Jude Musuuza

Hydrological modelling Hydrometeorological forecasting Handling big data Analysing drought indicators (meteorologic to groundwater) Professional records Projects participated in PrimeWater, ESHAPE, FANFAR, HYPOS, SNOW-CCI, HYPE-ERAS, CLINT, I-CISK Last updated: