CERISE – Research project to improve climate reanalysis and seasonal forecast systems

The aim of this four-year project is to improve the quality of future C3S climate reanalyses and seasonal prediction products, with a focus on land-atmosphere coupling. CERISE will develop new and innovative coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation approaches and land surface initialisation Last updated:

Better regional climate information in Africa

networking. The feedback we received was that many wanted even more time for collaboration, says Iréne Lake, who leads parts of the project and helped organize the workshop. - One participant said that one of the topics, practical examples, is exactly what you need to show to decision makers, says Iréne. To Last updated:

RCA - Rossby Centre regional Atmospheric climate model: model description and results from the first multi-year simulation.

lakes in the region, has been included in a crude, but time-efficient fashion. It appears that realistic modeling of the sea/lake ice is most important for modeling the regional climate in the Nordic region. The RCA model has been run fora ten-year period, focusing on the Nordic region, using results Last updated:

Lindha Nilsson

countries and between research communities and end user communities. Organisation of workshops and conferences within CORDEX Preparation of financial reports Web publication, communication and service Administration of projects funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Last updated:

A NOAA AVHRR cloud climatology over Scandinavia covering the period 1991-2000.

pronounced differencc between land and sea regions in the area with much highcr frequencies of cleep convcctive clouds over land areas. Largcr lakes ( e.g., Lake Vänern) arc scen to be able to suppress frequcncies while smaller lakes (e.g., Lake Vättern) are not founcl to affect results at all. High Last updated:

Climate in Sweden 1860-2014

increased over the last 30 years. The current land uplift counteracts the rise in sea level, although only weakly in southern Sweden. The ice season has started later and ice break-up starts earlier and earlier for most of the lakes. The report also summarises the problems concerning sea level and flood Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Hjälmaren Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

be more frequent, especially during the summer and autumn. This is due to an expected increase in evaporation, both from vegetation in the lake’s catchment area and from the surface of the lake. Currently the water level is lower than 21.6 m for about one month per year onaverage. In the future the Last updated:

Swedish coastal water bodies on Wikidata Combining WFD data with Wikidata

tools are improved through corporation between the governmental agencies. This report is the result of the initiative Kust-Wiki brought up in the program for Water and sea in spring of 2018. 1.2 Reporting for the Water Framework Directive The Water Framework Directive (WFD) was adopted by the EU in year Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Vättern Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

Less frequent high water levels No change in the highest water levels (the calculated maximum water level) An increase in water temperature A shorter ice cover period. With a warmer climate the evaporation is expected to increase, both from vegetation in the lake’s catchment area as well as directly Last updated: