Algae report number 7, 2016


The diatom Proboscia alata was found in relatively high concentrations at all stations in the Skagerrak. One or two chlorophyll maxima were found at all stations, mainly caused by the dinoflagellate genus Ceratium. At a couple of stations quite high densities of the fish killing species Karenia …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Jul, 2016
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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 29-30, 2016


The cruise was part of the Swedish regular marine monitoring programme covering the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound, the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Proper. This report is based on data that have only undergone a first quality control, when data is published at the data host some values might …

Type: Report
Author: Martin Hansson
Published: Jul, 2016
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Shipping emissions


The shipping industry is one of the greatest sources of emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases, and studying its effect on the environment, health and climate is therefore vital. The Shipair shipping model can be used to calculate emissions and concentrations for anything between single …

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Emission inventories


Emission inventories are fundamental in dealing with any air pollution problem. They aim to answer the questions of how much of a pollutant is being released to the atmosphere and how, where and when it is being emitted. This knowledge helps decision makers formulate and track progress of emission …

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Dispersion modelling


Atmospheric dispersion modelling provides decision makers with data to make informed decisions on how to manage and improve the national, urban or local air quality. Dispersion models, supported by air pollution measurements and emission inventories, give a better understanding of the air pollution …

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Air quality data hosting


A centralized database for air quality measurements, connected to tools for availability to the public, encourages transparency, quality assurance and efficiency. A well-functioning data host opens doors to further air quality assessments and applications, such as modelling and reporting data to …

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Air quality

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) is home to Sweden’s leading consultancy group in air quality. We have over 30 years of experience working both nationally and internationally with atmospheric dispersion modeling and emission inventories. Contact us if you want our help …

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Baltic Sea – Effect of a natural Baltic oxygenation-deoxygenation cycle


An in situ observation and modelling study of the effect of a natural Baltic oxygenation-deoxygenation cycle on benthic recycling of P, N, Si and C.

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Cristina Alionte Eklund appointed Hydrological Adviser for WMO in Europe


Cristina Alionte Eklund at SMHI has received two honourable assignments from the World Meteorological Organization. She has been appointed as Hydrological Adviser for Region Europe, and as co-chair of "Working group for the climate and hydrology".

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Algae report number 6, 2016


The species diversity among the dinoflagellates was high in the Skagerrak but it was the diatom species Proboscia alata that dominated the phytoplankton community. The Kattegat was dominated by chain forming diatom species. Proboscia alata were among the most abundant all over Kattegat with the …

Type: Report
Author: Malin Mohlin
Published: Jun, 2016
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