Isförhållandena i Sveriges södra och västra farvatten.

Shipping and Navigation (1982) Climatological Ice Atlas for the Baltic Sea, Kattegat, Skagerrak and Lake Vänern, 1963 - 1979. S-601 78 Norrköping, Sweden Thorslund, B. (1966) Isförhållandena i Svenska farvatten under normalperioden 1931-60. SMHI, Notiser och Prel. Rapp. Serie Met. 13 Thorslund, B. (1967 Last updated:

Local scale plume model for nitrogen oxides. Model description.

the plume chemistry is diffusion controlled. Keywords Plume model instantaneous dilution, chemical transformation, nitrogen oxides, nitrogen dioxide, air quality, deposition. Supplementary notes Number of pages 16 ISSN and title 0347-2116 SMHI Reports Meteorology and Cl imatology Report available from Last updated:

The Vulnerability of the Bargé Dam to Environmental Pressures – an Analysis of Impacts on Fishing

Background The Bagré Dam was built in 1993, creating an artificial and permanent lake in the southeast of Burkina Faso. After more than twenty years of promoting fishing to reduce poverty and food insecurity, the observation is stark fish are becoming scarce in Bagré. Fishing production fell from 1 Last updated:

SMHI contributes to better air quality in Georgia

Georgia's air quality is affected by heavy traffic, biomass burning, industry and even desert dust. Public interest in air quality has increased in the country in recent years. Since Georgia has applied for European Union membership, many EU-criteria regarding air quality measurement, reporting Last updated:

Procedural Manual for The Production and Evaluation of Seasonal Agro-Climatic Forecasts in Burkina Faso

Background Seasonal forecasts play an important role in planning activities and investments ahead of the rainy season in Burkina Faso. Given the complexity of the West African Monsoon (WAM), producing seasonal forecasts requires an understanding of ocean-atmosphere interactions and their influence Last updated:

European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites – EUMETSAT

in advance and climate monitoring , delivering the marine and atmospheric composition missions for Copernicus, and , providing global sea surface height observations for climate monitoring and ocean and seasonal forecasts. Satellite observations archive EUMETSAT’s archive of satellite observations Last updated:

Interplanetary assessment of dust-emission processes using active remote sensing on Earth and Mars

studying desert aerosol emissions from satellites is that the dust particles are often mixed with other types of aerosols, mainly anthropogenic air pollution or sea salt particles. This makes the measurements very difficult to interpret. Method This project analyses the problem in two steps In the first Last updated:

Contact us

The SMHI international development cooperation team comprises of seasoned experts from various departments and is coordinated by Jafet Andersson. Last updated:

Air quality researchers use Mars as a laboratory in new project

particles are mixed with other types of aerosols, mainly air pollution from human emissions or sea salt particles. This makes the measurements very difficult to interpret. Vast desert landscape Now Michael Kahnert and his colleagues have found a way to study the processes of dust particles without being Last updated:

AeroFrame and AeroSources: Advancing predictions of atmospheric aerosol formation

acids, bases and organic species, originate from both human and natural emissions such as traffic, industry, agriculture, vegetation and sea. Reducing uncertainties related to the formation mechanisms is a central question for assessments of aerosol sources and effects. Building model representations is Last updated: