Measurements of total ozone 1997 - 1999.

intercomparison between ground based and TOMS Version 7 satellite based data shows an astonishing agreement in most cases. Data recorded at Abisko in 1926 and 1927 on the initiative of G.M.B. Dobson was found in the archive. They were recomputed to modem scales and the result shows that the thickness of the ozone Last updated:

El Niño and other peculiarities at the equator

kind of “hill” of warm water is created. The prevailing trade winds provide the resistance to stop the warm water sliding “downhill”. But there is a narrow gap in the dominant easterly wind, where the trades from both hemispheres meet in the inter-tropical convergence zone. The winds there are weak and Last updated:

SMHI hosted climate course for key people from southern Africa

On Monday, November 18, 25 participants from southern Africa arrived for part two of SMHI's International Training Program (ITP) on "Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation". The course started earlier that same fall, with a one-week seminar in Mozambique – and will be completed next year in Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 34, 2016

thermocline varied in strength and depth but was usually found between 30 to 60 meters. Nutrients, in the form of phosphate and inorganic nitrogen (nitrite, nitrate and ammonia) were depleted in the surface waters in the entire survey area. Not until below the halocline the nutrient concentrations increased Last updated:

The status of the Baltic Sea was thoroughly monitored in the Finnish-Swedish collaboration

  caused by exceptional storms over Denmark in November-December 2013. Inflows of saline water into the Baltic Sea trough the Sound have occured during late 2013 and in the beginning of 2014. During the period from late October to early November there was an inflow trough the Sound of approximately 40 km3 Last updated:

Researchers describe the development of the EC-Earth global climate model

is divided up into a number of squares. Researchers have now reduced the size of the squares in EC-Earth, thereby increasing the resolution from around 120 km to around 80 km in the atmosphere. A higher resolution means that the model can show greater detail. They have also developed the model to Last updated:

Forests reduce cyclone intensity and precipitation extremes over Europe

Tree planting is often mentioned in scientific studies as an important way to tackle climate change. The idea is simple As trees grow they absorb and store carbon dioxide, thereby reducing its concentration in the atmosphere. But the benefits from trees don’t stop there, as shown by Danijel Belušić Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 49-50, 2004

, so the stratification was weak. The nutrient concentrations in surface water showed normal levels phosphate 0.4-0.5, nitrate nitrite 4-6 and silicate 2.5-8 µmol/l. The Kattegat and the Sound Surface water temperatures were almost 7 C, which is normal for the season. Surface salinity was normal in the Last updated:

Cooperation is a must for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change

are global phenomena. In order to prepare societies and to mitigate the consequences, build capacity and strengthen our resilience, international cooperation is needed at all levels. The meteorological institutes can provide the society with the necessary climate and weather information and tailor Last updated: