The Gulf Stream and the rubbish in the Sargasso Sea

the south and more powerful in the north (in the Northern hemisphere). This means that the inertial movement doesn’t follow a perfect circle but with a curve that opens up westwards. Persistent winds create currents in a spiral pattern, which slowly drift westwards. There is a net drift of water from Last updated:

Climate indicator – Global radiation

indicate that solar radiation was higher in the 1960s than in the 1980s. The decline from the 1960s to the 1980s and the subsequent increase into the early 2000s is often referred to, in international climate research, as global dimming and brightening. The trends in global radiation cannot be explained by Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV 001 Poseidon week 51, 2013

began in Göteborg on December 15th and ended in the same port on December 19th. Due to working environment concerns, no ammonia measurements were carried out. During the initial part of the cruise winds were fresh, and then they increased to strong, thereafter weakening to moderate. Wind directions were Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 16-17, 2017

In large parts of the deep water in the Baltic Proper the oxygen concentrations were close to zero. Completely oxygen free conditions, when hydrogen sulfide is measured, was found in the Western Gotland Basin from 90 meters depth and in the Eastern Gotland Basin, but then only in the Gotland Deep Last updated:

Cooperation is a must for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change

are global phenomena. In order to prepare societies and to mitigate the consequences, build capacity and strengthen our resilience, international cooperation is needed at all levels. The meteorological institutes can provide the society with the necessary climate and weather information and tailor Last updated:

Research on oceanographic processes

combination of models, observations and theoretical and statistical analysis methods. The work will increase the understanding of the most important natural and anthropogenic processes in the sea and the sensitivity of the marine system to changes caused by climate change and other effects caused by human Last updated:

JERICO-NEXT - better observations of the status of Europe's coastal waters

Environment Institute (SYKE), the Institute of Marine Research in Norway and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) as well as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the United States, among others. The project is led by IFREMER in France. Last updated:

Changing conditions for plants in mountain chains

. At the same time, the Arctic is one of the areas on Earth that is affected the most by global warming. Researchers are therefore interested in investigating how the biodiversity of the mountain chain may change in future. “As the climate changes and the Arctic ice shrinks, this makes new shipping Last updated:

Algae report number 7, 2017

. The net sample and the integrated sample (0-10 m) contained higher numbers of filaments indicated that all three different cyanobacteria existed in moderate numbers of fila- ment all over the sampled water column. BY2 Arkona 13rd of July No surface accumulations or grains of filamentous cyanobacteria Last updated:

New global climate calculations show faster warming

the CMIP6 international collaboration, where calculations from around thirty different climate models are being coordinated and compiled in a joint open database. In future, it will be possible to interpret these climate calculations using a regional climate model, giving more detailed data about how Last updated: