Algae report number 7, 2018

in them this week. In the Baltic Sea the phytoplankton diversity was generally low with mostly small species in low cell numbers. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations from 0-20 meters (diagrams) were normal for this month at all stations. From 0-10 meters (map) however the integrated Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 36, 2015

Sea. Also, two scientists from SYKE joined the cruise and made multi net sampling from different layers in the water column to investigate how the salt water intrusion December 2014 affected the zoo plankton community. The Skagerrak The temperature in the surface water had increased since last Last updated:

The Gulf Stream and the rubbish in the Sargasso Sea

the south and more powerful in the north (in the Northern hemisphere). This means that the inertial movement doesn’t follow a perfect circle but with a curve that opens up westwards. Persistent winds create currents in a spiral pattern, which slowly drift westwards. There is a net drift of water from Last updated:

New climate service: The Climate Adaptation Game

Climate adaptation game, wide picture
roleplay with a larger group. The workshop leader divides the participants into seven already prepared interest groups, such as the Agricultural Society and the Business and Trade Association. These groups will then act and interact in their own interest, but through voting take united decisions with the Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 30, 2015

northern parts of the eastern Gotland basin, but the oxygen levels in the inflowing water had now declined to below 2 ml/l. In the northern and western Gotland basin and in the western part of the Gulf of Finland the oxygen situation remains severe as completely oxygen free conditions are found at depths Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 28, 2013

SMHI´s ordinary monitoring programme, began in Gothenburg on July 11 and ended in the same port on July 16. A high-pressure area with weak, variable winds dominated the weather during the expedition. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures were above normal throughout the investigated area. They Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 24-25, 2015

Sea there was moderate plankton activity. Inorganic nitrogen was below detection limit while phosphate and silicate were higher than normal. The effect of the inflow during December 2014 had now propagated to the northeast of the eastern Gotland Basin. The bottom water in the Bornholm Basin and Hanö Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 6, 1999

High concentrations of nitrogen associated with continental river water was found in the south eastern and eastern Skagerrak surface water and at intermediate water in the Kattegatt. Last updated:

Algae report number 5, 2018

. The Skagerrak Släggö, Å13 and P2, 20 th, 25th and 30 th of August These stations were visited during an earlier cruise, in the end of August, phytoplankton have not been analysed at Släggö. The integrated (0-10 m and 0-20 m) chlorophyll a concentrations were within normal for this month at all three Last updated:

SMHI and SYKE in Finland enter a unique collaboration on marine environmental monitoring

The first joint research trip has already departed on the Aranda. Finnish and Swedish marine researchers will initially intercalibrate their instruments and take samples to measure oxygen levels and the phosphorus and nitrogen content. In parallel, we are drawing up a joint-programme for future Last updated: