Research projects

River in Europe, Ob River in Ryssland, as well as a number of lakes, for instance Lake Vänern in Sweden. Funding European Space Agency (ESA) Period September 2015 – September 2017 (24 months) Participants Along-Track (France, project lead), SMHI (FoUh), IsardSAT (UK/Spain), University of Porto (Portugal Last updated:

CORDEX-MAIRS-FE "Climate Change Downscaling Simulations and Regional Research Applications in Asia" workshop

cooperation intentions to explore opportunities for cooperation in the future, including Prof. Zhangcai Qin from the FE Global Secretariat (China), Dr. Giles Sioen and Dr. Ria Lambino from the FE Global Secretariat (Japan), Dr. Iréne Lake and Dr. Ralf Doescher from the CORDEX International Project Office Last updated:

Popular scientific articles and Reports

comparison of methods for sub-seasonal and seasonal forecast systems for the energy sector’ selected case studies’, February, Norrköping, Sweden 2019 Berg P., Photiadou C., Pechlivanidis I.G., 2019, Copernicus C3S Operational Water-SIS (Contract number 2018/C3S_424_SMHI/SC1) Milestone 2.1, Report on Last updated:

Modelling of anthropogenic sulfur deposition to the African and South American continent.

pages/ Antal sidor 10 ISSN and title/lSSN och titel 0347-2116 SMHI Reports Meteorology Climatology Report available from/Rapporten kan köpas från SMHI S-601 76 NORRKÖPING Sweden Language/Språk English Modelling of anthropogenic sulfur deposition to the African and South American continents Lennart Last updated:

CORDEX scenarios for Europe from the Rossby Centre regional climate model RCA4

downscaled. RCA4 is to a large extent replicating the large-scale circulation in ERAINT, but some local biases in mean sea level pressure appear. In general the seasonal cycles of temperature and precipitation are simulated in relatively close agreement to observations. Some biases occur, such as too much Last updated:

SMHI researchers lead new EU project to develop next generation climate system models

temporarily or permanently overshoot the Paris targets. Using these scenarios, OptimESM will deliver long-term projections that will increase our understanding of the risk of triggering potential tipping points in the climate system regarding ice sheets, sea ice, ocean circulation, marine ecosystems Last updated:

Climate impact on wind power production

The latest IPCC report “Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change” calls for immediate action of shifting investments from fossil fuels to renewable energies. This implies a major transformation in the energy system sector and important investment decisions with respect to energy production Last updated:

The Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM)

SMHI develops and maintains a model system for water quality calculations in coastal zone waters around Sweden. It is called the Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM) and has previously been presented in Sahlberg (2009). Since that report was published the model has been further developed and it is now Last updated:

More algal blooms and new species of phytoplankton in Swedish seas

focused on harmful algal blooms and climate changes in the sea. By analysing observations from the past 40 years, they have confirmed that significant changes have taken place in the seas around Sweden. “In the Baltic Sea, the seawater has become warmer and there has been a decrease in salinity. During Last updated:

First national climate symposium in the bag

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC AR6). The research underlying the IPCC reports was presented by scientists who had been involved in various ways in writing the different chapters. Between the sessions, about fifty researchers showed their research on posters Last updated: