A bilateral project between Sweden and Brazil will improve knowledge about heat in cities

. Through the introduction of cooling environments such as tree planting or water surfaces, the perceived temperature can be reduced. “We want to understand their needs and how they are approaching the problem. They will have the opportunity to test our modelling tools and we will look into how they can use Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 30, 2015

northern parts of the eastern Gotland basin, but the oxygen levels in the inflowing water had now declined to below 2 ml/l. In the northern and western Gotland basin and in the western part of the Gulf of Finland the oxygen situation remains severe as completely oxygen free conditions are found at depths Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV 001 Poseidon week 33, 2013

Surface water temperatures were normal for the season in all investigated areas. All nutrients in the surface layer were at low concentrations, which is normal for the season. The oxygen conditions in the Kattegat bottom water were good, while they were relatively poor in the southern Baltic Sea Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 24-25, 2015

Sea there was moderate plankton activity. Inorganic nitrogen was below detection limit while phosphate and silicate were higher than normal. The effect of the inflow during December 2014 had now propagated to the northeast of the eastern Gotland Basin. The bottom water in the Bornholm Basin and Hanö Last updated:

SMHI and SYKE in Finland enter a unique collaboration on marine environmental monitoring

The first joint research trip has already departed on the Aranda. Finnish and Swedish marine researchers will initially intercalibrate their instruments and take samples to measure oxygen levels and the phosphorus and nitrogen content. In parallel, we are drawing up a joint-programme for future Last updated:

Oceanographic observations

observations have been carried out in Stockholm since 1774, while other stations have only been operational for a few years. These services provide data for specific parameters from all the oceanographic measurement stations which have been operational for a shorter or longer period of time since 1886. Quality Last updated:

Tinja Olenius

PhD, air quality researcher Phone 46 11 495 77 87 E-mail firstname.lastname@smhi.se  Fields of work Regional modelling of air pollution in Europe and Sweden, development of models for aerosol particle formation, description of atmospheric nanoparticle sources Research Interests Regional and local Last updated:

Forests reduce cyclone intensity and precipitation extremes over Europe

Tree planting is often mentioned in scientific studies as an important way to tackle climate change. The idea is simple As trees grow they absorb and store carbon dioxide, thereby reducing its concentration in the atmosphere. But the benefits from trees don’t stop there, as shown by Danijel Belušić Last updated:

Sweden’s future climate

along the West Coast. Southern Sweden can instead expect a reduction which is due to increased evaporation. For large parts of the country the spring floods are expected to be lower and the winter floods will increase. The change in water availability differs between the seasons. During summer a Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 31, 2002


Surface temperatures in the Skagerrak, the Kattegat and in the Baltic were normal. The nutrients showed, for the season, mostly normal values. The salinity of the surface water in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat was normal. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found at depths greater than 80 …

Type: Report
Author: Jonas Henriksson
Published: Aug, 2002
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