Impacts of agricultural activities on land degradation along the Bomboré river in Burkina Faso

season. These agricultural practices are thus contributing to the degradation of the land, such as silting up the river, reducing soil fertility and water pollution. This is also due to poor agricultural practices linked to the abusive use of inputs (fertilisers and pesticides) by some farmers in market Last updated:

Method and models in meteorological research

good resolution in both time and space and are also available where few other observations are available, such as at sea. SMHI participates in the European meteorological collaborations EUMETNET and EUMETSAT where we work on research and development for radar and satellite. We develop methodology and Last updated:

Guidelines for Integrating Climate change in design and  implementation of transport infrastructure in Rwanda

Background Reports show that Rwanda is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Climate change is affecting all sectors of development of human beings including transport. The latter is affected by the increase in temperature, high and intense precipitation, which causes flooding Last updated:

Snödjup i Sverige 1904/05 – 2013/14

air closest to the surface of the water heats up, transferring moisture from the sea into increased humidity that falls as snow when the winds reach land. Especially affected by snow cannons are the Norrland coast from Skellefteå to Gävle, but also the coast of Småland and the large lakes Vänern and Last updated:


without delay on any suspicion or knowledge that anyone other than the owner has gained access to password and/or codes. Users should report to SMHI Servicedesk without delay on any suspicion that third party has gained access to password and/or codes, and has had the opportunity to abuse these. Users Last updated:

Drivers of Marine Acidification in the Seas Surrounding Sweden

present at the surface (probably due to the bio- logical and of course chemical/physical processes), opening up for O 2 , O 2 saturation and nutrients to be the dominant parameters. 6Drivers of Marine Acidification in the Seas Surrounding Sweden In the report, the monitoring need of acidification parameters Last updated:

Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in road transport infrastructure in Rwanda

, embankment protection and roadside protection shall be planned in consultation with stakeholders Runoff shall be well collected and where possible harvested for use or groundwater recharge Drainages infrastructures shall be regularly cleaned and repaired as needed, particularly before rainy season Proper Last updated:

Climate Change & Greening of Water Financing in Kenya

water and sanitation sector. This can be achieved through mobilization of more resources into the sector through the design, implementation and reporting stages of projects and programmes for sustainability. This calls for innovative ways of mobilizing and financing the water sector to ensure that Kenya Last updated:

The Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM)

SMHI develops and maintains a model system for water quality calculations in coastal zone waters around Sweden. It is called the Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM) and has previously been presented in Sahlberg (2009). Since that report was published the model has been further developed and it is now Last updated:

Long-term sulfur and nitrogen deposition in Sweden 1983-2013 reanalysis

A unique long-term (1983-2013) dataset of sulfur and nitrogen deposition has been compiled for Sweden as well as the Baltic Sea and surrounding countries, based on quality controlled measurements and modelled fields, fused though advanced methods capturing spatial and temporal variations. The data Last updated: