Climate indicator - Extreme precipitation


If large amounts of precipitation fall in a short period of time, it can cause floods, traffic disruptions and landslides, among other things. Regarding the indicators Maximum daily precipitation and Absolute largest daily precipitation, an increasing trend can be seen for the year's value and the …

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Climate indicator - Temperature

The climate is getting warmer. Since 1988, all years but two have been warmer or much warmer than the average for 1961-1990. The warm-up is due to increased emissions of greenhouse gas. How big the warm-up will be, depends on how successful people are in limiting the emissions. A higher temperature …

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Climate indicator - Precipitation


SMHI has over 600 stations across Sweden measuring precipitation, meaning means how much it rains, snows and hails. Since the mid-70s one can see that precipitation has increased – and it is expected to keep increasing in the future.

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Climate indicators


We are probably facing a dramatic change in the earth’s climate, which will affect society in many different ways. There is therefore a need to continuously follow the changes in our climate, so SMHI has produced a number of climate indicators for this purpose. 

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SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, is an expert authority for knowledge, research and services. On these pages you will find reliable science based information about how and why climate is changing, how this affects the world, including Sweden, and how we can adapt to the …

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