Algae report number 4, 2015


All stations along the Swedish west coast except for the outer most station in Skagerrak were dominated by small flagellates. Some of the flagellates could be determined to belong to the order prymnesiales.

In the Baltic Sea the cell density was generally low but a remnant of a spring bloom was …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: May, 2015
Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 17, 2015


The water temperature in the surface layer was essentially normal for the season. In the Skagerrak nutrient concentrations in the surface water has risen slightly since the previous survey, while they in the Kattegat showed, for the season, typical concentrations. Phosphate and silicate were …

Type: Report
Author: Lars Andersson
Published: Apr, 2015
Last updated:

Conference on harmful algal blooms and climate change


Climate change is impacting the marine environment. The future trend may include increasing harmful algal blooms. SMHI, in cooperation with several international institutes, will arrange a conference on harmful algal blooms and climate change in Gothenburg, May 19-22 2015.

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Algae report number 3, 2015


In the coastal area of the Skagerrak the nutrient- and cell concentrations were low compared to the open Skagerrak where the diatom spring bloom was ongoing. In the Baltic Sea the cell density was generally low but at the Arkona Basin the spring bloom had started. The integrated (0-10 m) …

Type: Report
Author: Malin Mohlin
Published: Apr, 2015
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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 12, 2015


The water temperatures in the surface layer were essentially normal for the season. In the Kattegat as well as in the coastal zone of Skagerrak the spring bloom was in full progress and nutrients showed low concentrations. In the Baltic Proper spring bloom had started in the Arkona while winter …

Type: Report
Author: Lars Andersson
Published: Mar, 2015
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Cruise report from DANA week 4-6, 2015


The expedition was included within SLU:s International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and Kattegat. Mapping of winter nutrient conditions was performed in the Skagerrak and 11 stations with complete hydrography were sampled. In the Kattegat area 15 stations were sampled with complete …

Type: Report
Author: Anna-Kerstin Thell
Published: Feb, 2015
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Algae report number 2, 2015


The cell concentration was very low at Å17 in the open Skagerrak. The chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and the high nutrient concentrations showed that the spring bloom had not yet started here. The diatom spring bloom was ongoing in the Kattegat and at Släggö on the Skagerrak coast. The …

Type: Report
Author: Malin Mohlin
Published: Mar, 2015
Last updated:

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