The Swedish Precipitation Chemistry Network. Studies in network design usting the MATCH modelling system and statistical methods.

) Karin Kindbom and Karin Sjöberg Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) SMHI REPORTS METEOROLOGY and CLIMATOLOGY No.72, October 1996 The Swedish Precipitation Chemistry Network Studies in network design using the MATCH modelling system and statistical methods Christer Persson, Anders Ullerstig Last updated:

MATCH - Meso-scale Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry modelling system.

of a simple atmospheric tracer. Key words/sök-, nyckelord Eulerian, atmospheric transport, vertical diffusion, Radon-222, mass conservative transport Supplementary notes/Tillägg Number of pages/ Antal sidor 37 ISSN and title/ISSN och titel 0347-2116 SMHI Reports Meteorology Climatology Report Last updated:

Iréne Wåhlström

. Research Interests Biogeochemistry in the water column Carbon Arctic Ocean and Baltic Sea Special competences Net sea-air exchange of carbon dioxide and methane. Last updated:

SMHI introduces impact-based weather warnings in Sweden

News Warning information is also communicated through SMHI's participation in Swedish Radio P1 and P4, as well as through other reporting in the media, for example in the TV channels' weather reporting. Warning information is also disseminated via other intermediaries, for example krisinformation Last updated:

Measurements of total ozone 1994-1996.

title/ISSN och titel 0347-2116 SMHI Reports Meteorology Climatology Report available from/Rapporten kan köpas från SMHI S-601 76 NORRKÖPING Sweden Language/S pråk English 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 5 6 T ABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY INTRODUCTION TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Brewer#006 Brewer#l28 Dobson #030 Last updated:

Naturtypsbestämning av miljöövervakningsstationer SMHI pelagial miljöövervakning

conditions of the seas around Sweden. Report from the activities in 1991, including PMK - The National Swedish Programme for Monitoring of Environmental Quality Open Sea Programme.) 15 Ray Murthy, Bertil Håkansson and Pekka Alenius (ed.) (1993) The Gulf of Bothnia Year-1991 - Physical transport experiments Last updated:

Application of the HBV model to the upper Río Cauca basin.

The work described in this report is part of a collaboration project between Corporación Autónoma Regional del Cauca (CVC), Colombia, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) CVC is an entity, whose main objective is to promote the economic and social development of the Last updated:

BioDiv-Support: Pyrenees Mountains

With around 130 peaks exceeding 3000 m in altitude the Pyrenees Mountains represent a natural border between France and Spain. The range is more than 450 km long and ~100 km wide, spanning in a west-east direction from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. The Pyrenees' biodiversity is rich Last updated:

Framtidens översvämningsrisker.

A study of the impacts of global warming on future risks for floods and inundations in Sweden has been carried out on contract from Länsförsäkringsbolagens Forskningsfond. The work focussed on River Dalälven and the big lakes Vänern, Mälaren and Hjälmaren but some nationwide analyses were carried Last updated:

How the Swedish archive for oceanographic data works

from the number of click sounds reported Seals The distribution of ringed seals, grey seals and harbour seals are studied from inventories made from airplane or by land observations. The number of counted individuals per site is reported. More information is available in Swedish here   and. Seal Last updated: