The new co-developed hydrological service SMHI Aqua is now available online for support on decision-making for water supply

meteorological and hydrological stations, including precipitation, temperature, discharge, water and sea levels. You can change background map and check the measured data in diagrams and table form. SMHI Aqua is presented in the demo with English and Swedish options but it can be set up in any language of choice Last updated:

Measurements of total ozone 1997 - 1999.

,,.-._ ~ Cl '---' (1) i 0 N 0 -Cll ,.__ ~ SMHI No. 91, September 2000 Reports Meteorology and Climatology 400 ------------------------------ Uppsala 1951-1966 Riga/TOMS/Norrk. 1974-1987 Norrköping 1988 - 350 300 ... ____________________________ ___ 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Last updated:

Montel & SMHI: 20 years of cooperation

’s production forecasts provide automated updates that are reported straight into the day-ahead electricity market. From start-up through to operation, forecasting products from the Montel Group and SMHI can help optimise power plant operations with models for •     •     •      •        Cooperation SMHI and Last updated:

Oceanographic applications of coastal radar

( ) Affärssekretess Nyckelord Radar, Coastal, Currents, Waves, Wind, CODAR, Seasonde, WERA, Pisces, Seaview, Oil spill response, Search and rescue Övrigt Contents 1  SUMMARY .............................................................................................. 1  2  INTRODUCTION SKAGERRAK, KATTEGAT Last updated:

Swedish National Expert Council for Climate Adaptation

The council is appointed by the government. Every five year it decides on a report which is used to advice the government´s updates of the national climate adaptation strategy. The chair and members of the National Expert Council for Climate Adaptation are appointed by the Government for a Last updated:

Calculations of PM-10 concentrations in Swedish cities - Modelling of inhalable particles

Supplementary notes/fillägg Number of pages/ Antal sidor Language/Språk 77 English ISSN and title/ISSN och titel 0347-2116 SMHI Reports Meteorology Climatology Report available from/Rapporten kan köpas från SMHI S-601 76 NORRKÖPING Sweden CONTENTS SUMMARY Last updated:

SMHI contributes to Irish capacity building in a training course about hydrological modelling

and touched upon introduction with HYPE, basic processes, basic calibration techniques and the use of HYPETools for result evaluation. The second - held at the end of June – covered more advanced topics such as simulation of regulated lakes, running forecasts as well as practical examples of large Last updated:

SMHI helps to determine phytoplankton species in the seas around Sweden

evaluated for quick, automated species determination using image analysis. Sampling began in January 2019 during SMHI’s expedition on board the R/V Aranda in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea as part of Sweden’s national environmental monitoring. Sampling in the Gulf of Bothnia is being carried out by Umeå Last updated:

Final fanfare for the project that developed a flood warning system for West Africa

The FANFAR consortium and more than 30 agencies in West Africa, from Cape Verde in the west to Chad in the east, have worked together to create the flood forecasting and alert system. During and after the rainy season when a large part of the annual precipitation falls, there is often severe Last updated:

Mapping of phytotoxic ozone dose for birch, spruce, wheat and potato using the MATCH-Sweden system

relevance to Swedish conditions birch, spruce, wheat and potato. This report describes the implementation for the new species and reports results for the years 2013-2017. This means that results also for these four new indicators are available from the year when mapping of ozone indicators were introduced Last updated: