CORDEX workshop for thirteen African countries

.5 and 2 degrees global warming. What are the consequences locally and regionally in Africa and what do the latest climate scenarios show?  What are the trends for extreme rains or drought? When and where will they occur, how long will they last, has seasonal rainfall or the dry spells shifted in onset Last updated:

Naturtypsbestämning av miljöövervakningsstationer SMHI pelagial miljöövervakning

conditions of the seas around Sweden. Report from the activities in 1991, including PMK - The National Swedish Programme for Monitoring of Environmental Quality Open Sea Programme.) 15 Ray Murthy, Bertil Håkansson and Pekka Alenius (ed.) (1993) The Gulf of Bothnia Year-1991 - Physical transport experiments Last updated:

New generation of high resolution climate models used at the Rossby Centre

; Belušić et al., 2020) can much more realistically reproduce convection and extreme precipitation. As an example, Figure 1 presents the time of maximum precipitation intensity during the diurnal cycle around Lake Victoria (Africa’s greatest lake) from observations and from different model simulations. In Last updated:

Application of the HBV model to the upper Río Cauca basin.

The work described in this report is part of a collaboration project between Corporación Autónoma Regional del Cauca (CVC), Colombia, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) CVC is an entity, whose main objective is to promote the economic and social development of the Last updated:

Framtidens översvämningsrisker.

A study of the impacts of global warming on future risks for floods and inundations in Sweden has been carried out on contract from Länsförsäkringsbolagens Forskningsfond. The work focussed on River Dalälven and the big lakes Vänern, Mälaren and Hjälmaren but some nationwide analyses were carried Last updated:

Measurements of total ozone 1997 - 1999.

,,.-._ ~ Cl '---' (1) i 0 N 0 -Cll ,.__ ~ SMHI No. 91, September 2000 Reports Meteorology and Climatology 400 ------------------------------ Uppsala 1951-1966 Riga/TOMS/Norrk. 1974-1987 Norrköping 1988 - 350 300 ... ____________________________ ___ 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Last updated:

Oceanographic applications of coastal radar

( ) Affärssekretess Nyckelord Radar, Coastal, Currents, Waves, Wind, CODAR, Seasonde, WERA, Pisces, Seaview, Oil spill response, Search and rescue Övrigt Contents 1  SUMMARY .............................................................................................. 1  2  INTRODUCTION SKAGERRAK, KATTEGAT Last updated:

About the Scenario Service - Hydrology

, and in bordering upstream areas. The model encompasses also the influence of lakes and dams on the flow dynamics. Further, the model describes river regulations, with seasonally dependent settings of storage, production flow etc. S-HYPE also includes some artificial water transfers between catchments Last updated:

About the Scenario Service - Meteorology

, lakes and ice. In the model the atmosphere is divided into a 3-dimensional grid, across the surface and upwards. To get good results processes outside the entire atmosphere must be considered, that is around the globe and up in the air. Such models are called global climate models. The time evolution of Last updated:

How the Swedish archive for oceanographic data works

from the number of click sounds reported Seals The distribution of ringed seals, grey seals and harbour seals are studied from inventories made from airplane or by land observations. The number of counted individuals per site is reported. More information is available in Swedish here   and. Seal Last updated: