
Since the late 1800s, we have collected data from the atmosphere, lakes, seas and land. Here are some milestones in the evolution towards today's SMHI, an agency with expertise in meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and climatology. Last updated:

Health effects of heat stress

diseases, has also been demonstrated. However, this area has been researched less as the number of deaths is often easier to study when it is not affected by factors such as access to care, which results in clear seasonal variations as well as weekly patterns. Health effects during the 2018 heatwave Last updated:

New project on the spreading of disease in conjunction with climate change

Researchers will combine data from models for climate change and disease-spreading in order to study how seasonal patterns and long-term changes in the climate will affect the conditions for various types of diseases. The analysis shall also incorporate parameters such as people’s activities in Last updated:

Long-term global radiation in Stockholm, 1922-2018

cloud amount has been observed three times a day since the start 1756, available from Bolin Centre (https //bolin.su.se/data/stockholm/observed_cloud_amount.php). The observation procedures and reporting-scales have varied and the quality is highly questionable. It is clearly stated on the web page that Last updated:

Per Pemberton

PhD Phone 46 (0)31 751 89 84 Email firstname.lastname@smhi.se Research Gate ID Per_Pemberton I am a physical oceanographer working with ocean and sea ice modelling. My research mainly focuses on how different physical processes govern the state of the Arctic Ocean, Nordic and Baltic Seas, and how Last updated:

Elin Almroth Rosell

both experimental marine chemistry and biogeochemical modeling in both one and three dimensional numerical models in the coastal and open sea. My present research focus is on the impact of climate change and management actions on the marine environment in both the Baltic Sea and in the North Sea Last updated:

BIO-C3 – Investigating causes, consequences and management implications

The Baltic Sea and it’s ecosystem is under constant change as non-indigenous species continue to establish in the Baltic, climate change alters the physical and biogeochemical environment and fishing changes food webs and predation pressure. Thus, while being species poor, human influences are Last updated:

Evaluation of the SMHI coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean model RCA4-NEMO

present form consists of two model components. The regional atmosphere model RCA4 covers the whole of Europe and is interactvely coupled to a North Sea and Baltic Sea ice-ocean model based on NEMO. RCA4-NEMO is currently being used to downscale CMIP5 scenarios for the North Sea and Baltic Sea region for Last updated:

Download data

Download marine environmental data SHARKweb - search and download data via web interface Hint To get the latest version of the database you may have to empty your web browsers cache. In the right-hand margin you can watch instruction videos on how to use SHARKweb. SHARKdata - search and download Last updated:

Measurements of Solar Radiation in Sweden 1983-1998

Summary / Rapportsammanfattnin2 Issuing Agency/Utgivare Report nurnber/Publikation Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute 1-RM __ K.;,__N_o_. _89 ____________ -i S-60176 NORRKÖPING Reportdate/Utgivningsdaturn Sweden June 2000 Author (s)/Författare Thomas Persson Title (and Subtitle Last updated: