Algae report number 5, 2014


In the Skagerrak, the phytoplankton samples were rather low in diversity and fluorescence maxima were dominated by the dinoflagellate Ceratium tripos. The Kattegat fluorescence maxima samples were dominated by diatoms, except at Fladen where several Ceratium species dominated.

In the Baltic, the …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Jul, 2014
Last updated:

Research for more accurate decisions and better information


Large areas of the society are dependent on or influenced by weather and water. Increased requirements with regard to the environment and a climate in change provide new prerequisites. The SMHI research department provides tools, knowledge and decision guidance for the society.

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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 24, 2014


Surface water temperatures were above normal in most of the investigated areas, with the exception for the Northern and Central Baltic Proper, where temperatures were typical for the season. Nutrients in the surface layer showed concentrations normal for the season in all areas.

Oxygen situation …

Type: Report
Author: Lars Andersson
Published: Jun, 2014
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NFIX – Estimating Nitrogen FIXation in past and future climates of the Baltic Sea


The NFIX project will estimate Nitrogen FIXation in past and future climates of the Baltic Sea.

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Algae report number 3, 2014


The Kattegat and the southern part of the Skagerrak were dominated by an unidentified flagellate. It has also been recorded in the Danish monitoring programme. In the Skagerrak, the dinoflagellate Peridiniella danica and large cells from the diatom Cerataulina pelagica were common. The unidentified …

Type: Report
Author: Malin Mohlin
Published: May, 2014
Last updated:

Grigory Nikulin

Research leader, Downscaling of climate scenarios to regional/local level and support for climate impacts and adaption work

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Uwe Fladrich


Research leader, Computational science for climate models

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