Health effects of heat stress

diseases, has also been demonstrated. However, this area has been researched less as the number of deaths is often easier to study when it is not affected by factors such as access to care, which results in clear seasonal variations as well as weekly patterns. Health effects during the 2018 heatwave Last updated:

Currents in the Gulf of Bothnia. During the Field Year of 1991.

The Eularian experiment during the Gulf of Bothnia Field Year 1991 involved two dynamical experiments, the Open Sea Experiment and the Coastal Transect Experiment. The Open Sea Experiment covered one annual cycle while the Coastal Transect Experiment focused on a summer situation. One of the most Last updated:

Pasha Karami

global and regional climate models Special competences Perform and analyse climate and ocean model simulations. Current projects  FORMAS-funded project- Extreme events in the coastal zone of Baltic Sea, Vinnova-funded project concerning infectious disease risks related to climate(CLAIRE), co-leading the Last updated:

A parameterization model for calculation of vertical fluxes of momentum due to terrain induced gravity waves.

parameteriseringsmodellen kan ge . SMHI , RMK 5 ( 19 7 6 ) 2 I Introduction. The nature of the vertical propogation of momentum by induced gravity waves was probably first reported by Eliassen and Palm (1960). They showed that in the absen- ce of critical layers, layers in which the component wind velocity was the same as Last updated:

Surface currents

The surface layer can be up to 100 m deep. When the wind blows over the sea surface it creates waves and a surface current. The surface current is affected by the rotation of the earth which in turn causes the net current to move at a 45 degree angle to the right of the wind direction (see Ekman Last updated:

New project on the spreading of disease in conjunction with climate change

Researchers will combine data from models for climate change and disease-spreading in order to study how seasonal patterns and long-term changes in the climate will affect the conditions for various types of diseases. The analysis shall also incorporate parameters such as people’s activities in Last updated:

Download data

Download marine environmental data SHARKweb - search and download data via web interface Hint To get the latest version of the database you may have to empty your web browsers cache. In the right-hand margin you can watch instruction videos on how to use SHARKweb. SHARKdata - search and download Last updated:

Statistiscal analysis of precipitation. Part I. Area precipitation data.

, Svealand och Götaland . Area precipitation for the four seasons for the four areas . 2 . Fördelning av nederbördsstationer efter höjd- lägen . Distributio n of precipitation stations accor- ding to height above sea level . 3 . A. Kvoten mellan årsnederbörden i Baramossa 5 6 8 10 14 och i Barkåkra åren 1973 Last updated:

Oceanographic observations

Oceanographic observation data comes from SMHI’s measurement stations along the coast and at sea. A station can deliver data for several oceanographic parameters. Use the , to obtain the data as a text file which can be imported into Excel. The files contain available data up until 23.00 the Last updated: