Statistiscal analysis of precipitation. Part I. Area precipitation data.

, Svealand och Götaland . Area precipitation for the four seasons for the four areas . 2 . Fördelning av nederbördsstationer efter höjd- lägen . Distributio n of precipitation stations accor- ding to height above sea level . 3 . A. Kvoten mellan årsnederbörden i Baramossa 5 6 8 10 14 och i Barkåkra åren 1973 Last updated:

Denna studie är ett första försök att inkludera CDOM i en modell för Östersjön.

The Baltic Sea is optically a multi-componental water and has exceedingly high levels of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM, also referred as yellow matter, gilvin or gelbstoff). CDOM is a complex mixture of chemical bonds originating from the decay of photosynthetically produced organic matter Last updated:

Forecasts and present state in OceanWeb

observations, search and rescue, communal or regional planning, coastal/open sea constructions, or oceanographic/climatological research? Go to OceanWeb for an overview of the present ocean state, collect information to use for planning and decision making. Links to statistics and scenarios can also be found Last updated:

Developing climate services with user value

climate services relating to changes in the sea, for example toxic algal blooms that can affect tourism, mussel farming and other commercial activities relating to the sea and the possibility of achieving environmental goals. The project is being coordinated by the Marine Institute in Ireland. The Last updated:

Joining forces for climate change adaptation at Nordic conference

planning around lakes and waterways, and for different types of infrastructure, but also for supporting the adaptation of residential areas. “One aim of the conference was to network, and we hope that the collaboration and exchange of experience will continue. Dialogue, and the sharing of ideas and lessons Last updated:

Bilateral collaboration in Brazil

2014 and the final report was submitted in March 2015. It has received a lot of attention in the state. Since 2015 SMHI has collaborated with the Curitiba municipality, the environmental authority of the Paraná state and various universities in the city on a project with focus on particles and black Last updated:

Research on oceanographic processes

combination of models, observations and theoretical and statistical analysis methods. The work will increase the understanding of the most important natural and anthropogenic processes in the sea and the sensitivity of the marine system to changes caused by climate change and other effects caused by human Last updated:

Ocean absorption of carbon dioxide

towards acidification, which could cause problems for sensitive ecosystems such as coral reefs. Attempts have been made to artificially increase the sea’s absorption of carbon dioxide. Areas of sea have been fertilised by enriching with iron however this has not been successful, as there is a large risk Last updated:

Earlier spring peak of ground level ozone positive for vegetation

transported by the wind to Sweden has decreased. At the same time the climate has changed and the snow season has become shorter. Earlier start for the growth period Since the ground level ozone has a negative effect on vegetation, the researchers have also investigated how the growth season has changed. The Last updated:

New research gives an indication of the amount of summer precipitation in Northern Europe

, researcher at SMHI's Rossby Center. In recent years, several different research groups have studied different teleconnections that can explain the weather over northern Europe, in order to improve the possibility of making reliable seasonal forecasts for this area. Until now, however, it has been a challenge Last updated: