Cruise report from R/V Argos week 31, 2004

-west. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures varied between 15.5 and 17°C, which is normal for the season. Surface salinity was normal, except at the station P2 in the south-east, where it was clearly higher. Thermocline and halocline were found at depths between 10 and 20 metres. Nutrient concentrations Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2017

the Skagerrak, at all other stations the concentrations were normal for this month. The Baltic Sea samples typically had small species in low abundancies. Several different genera of small cyanobacteria were present. Dnr S/Gbg-2017-114 2Below follows a more detailed information on species composition Last updated:

Clear-sky thermodynamic anomalies over a sea-ice sensitive region of the Arctic

heat and moisture transport Vertical thermodynamic monthly anomalies from 2003-2010 are shown in Fig. 1, with temperature [K] anomalies in the top panel and water-vapor anomalies in the lower panel [g kg-1]. Distinct annual and inter-annual variability in heat and moisture transport over the region are Last updated:

SMHI has been commissioned by Met Éireann to hold a course in meteorology

The Irish Meteorological Service is in the process of establishing a Flood Forecasting Center. To this end, they have recently hired four new hydro-meteorologists with competences in hydrology, modelling and engineering. They are in the need of a training course in introduction meteorology to Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon week 34, 2012

for the time of year and increased from 6.1 in the north to 8.1 in the south. The thermocline was found between 15 and 30 metres. The halocline started at 30 to 40 metres deep in the Arkona Basin, and from 50 to 80 metres deep elsewhere. Phosphate concentrations in surface waters were normal Last updated:


Biodiversity is an ecological concept that refers to the variety of organisms, species and interactions (and even to the genetic variation within specific species) that occurs in a certain habitat or region. High biodiversity usually means a more resilient ecosystem and a substantial contribution Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV 001 Poseidon week 47, 2013

inflow had not yet reached the eastern parts of the Bornholm Basin since the oxygen in the bottom water at BY5 was almost depleted. The plankton activity was low in the whole investigated area. PARTICIPANTS Anna-Kerstin Thell cruise leader SMHI Oceanographic lab. Kristin Andreasson - ” - Martin Hansson Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 8, 2009

temperature was normal throughout most of the area. Water below the halocline in the Arkona Basin was well oxygenated with levels of ca. 6 ml/l. Water was flowing in at the bottom in the western part of the Bornholm Basin and in the south of the eastern Gotland Basin, giving oxygen concentrations above 3 ml Last updated:

Algae report number 8, 2017

cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flosaquae was present at most stations in low numbers. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were normal for this month at the Baltic stations. Dnr S/Gbg-2017-105 2Below follows a more detailed information on species composition and abundance. Species marked with * are Last updated:

Ilias Pechlivanidis

use, climate and population) on water resources Water resources management and societal adaptation Professional records Member of Chair of WMO Task Team on Hydrology Research Co-Chair of HEPEX initiative () Reference Group Member of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science () Chair of the HS Last updated: