Helén Andersson is the new head of SMHI research

leadership. The research department is a dynamic and highly international environment with many externally funded research projects. The sea is still close to my heart, of course, but we have a lot of very important research in all of our research fields," says Helén Andersson. Benefit to the society "Our Last updated:

Global climate scenarios and model development

. et al., 2018 Predicted Chance That Global Warming Will Temporarily Exceed 1.5 degrees. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 45, no 21, 11895-11903 p.,   Caian, M. et al., 2018 An interannual link between Arctic sea-ice cover and the North Atlantic Oscillation, Climate Dynamics, Vol. 50, no 1-2, 443 Last updated:

FORCeS - Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections

University, brings together 20 institutions from 12 European countries. The complete list of project partners can be found . Funding FORCES is a European Union Horizon 2020 Project funded under the program LC-CLA-08-2018 - Addressing knowledge gaps in climate science, in support of IPCC reports under grant Last updated:

MATCH - transport and chemistry model

acidifying/eutrophying deposition and photochemistry (e.g. Langner et al., 2005; Siniarovina and Engardt, 2005; Andersson et al., 2007). MATCH is used for Air Quality assessment in Sweden and the Baltic Sea region using a set-up combining the MATCH model calculations and monitoring data from Sweden and the Last updated:

Measurements of total ozone 2012-2015

deviations is presented in the yearly plots in this report. Brief descriptions of quality control, quality assurance and measurements of total ozone at Norrköping and Vindeln for the years 2012 up 2015 are reported in the following chapters. Events that may have affected the monitoring are compiled in Last updated:

Rossby Centre regional atmospheric model, RCA4

, ECOCLIMAP land-use and soil information [2], soil carbon [3] and lake depth [4]. Inclusion of ECOCLIMAP is one of the main reason why RCA4 can be applied globally. On the physical side we have modified mainly the land and hydrological processes plus a few modifications in the atmosphere. The soil hydrology Last updated:

Effects of the 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warming on the African climate

climate and its extremes,” Grigory Nikulin stresses. Results produced within CORDEX The results presented at EGU2018 were produced within the CORDEX-Africa Analysis Campaign Phase2 focusing on writing peer-reviewed papers for the IPCC 1.5 Special Report (SR1.5). The first six papers produced have all been Last updated:

Reanalyses for Climate

it is a requirement to have a fixed system for doing the analyses for all the years. A reanalyses can resolve those issues. Weather forecasting is based on an analysis of the current state of the atmosphere and the surface of land and sea. The forecasts are made with mathematical and physical Last updated:

Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation

the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The conference will cover a wide range of issues the latest in climate change research, planning for rising sea levels and adapting infrastructure to a changing climate. Other themes include the future of food supply, how the Nordic region is Last updated:


InterDec (The potential of seasonal-to-decadal-scale inter-regional linkages to advance climate predictions) aims at understanding the origin of decadal-scale climate variability in different regions of the world and their linkages, using observational data sets and through coordinated multi Last updated: