Rossby Centre regional atmospheric model, RCA4

, ECOCLIMAP land-use and soil information [2], soil carbon [3] and lake depth [4]. Inclusion of ECOCLIMAP is one of the main reason why RCA4 can be applied globally. On the physical side we have modified mainly the land and hydrological processes plus a few modifications in the atmosphere. The soil hydrology Last updated:

Long waves

travel at a speed of 31 m/s or 112 km/hr. A seiche is a standing wave that occurs in lakes and semi-enclosed seas like the Baltic. The wave length for the oscillation in the Baltic Sea between the Bothnian Bay and the Southern Baltic is twice the distance, i.e. 4000 km. The average depth of the global Last updated:

SMHI develop systems for air quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the next three years, SMHI will develop a data hosting system for air quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The system includes, among other things, a central database for air measurements and tools for making data available to the public and reporting data to the EU. SMHI has long experience Last updated:

Large-scale hydrological modelling ​ ​

-scale hydrological modelling by using modified PUB recommendations the India-HYPE case, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 4559-4579, . Arheimer, B., Dahné, J., Donnelly, C., Lindström, G. and Strömqvist, J. (2012). Water and nutrient simulations using the HYPE model for Sweden vs. the Baltic Sea basin – influence of Last updated:

Hydrographic Conditions Around Offshore Banks

This report details the results of an investigation into hydrographic and hydrochemical conditions over ten offshore banks around the coast of south Sweden. Four of these banks are situated in the Kattegat. The remainder lie in the southern and western Baltic Proper. The investigation included Last updated:

EURO4M - European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring

into their pre-operational phase, were not designed to provide climate change monitoring information nor to report about high impact weather and climate extremes placed in an historical context. SMHI performed a 22 km dynamical reanalysis with the HIRLAM 3D variational analysis system using Last updated:

Oceanographic models

HIROMB HIROMB (High Resolution Operational Model for the Baltic Sea) is the ocean circulation model used operationally at SMHI. HIROMB forecasts sea level, currents, salinity, temperature, ice thickness, ice concentration and ice drift. HIROMB covers the entire Baltic and North Sea as far west as Last updated:

Solar irradiance modelling using satellite retrieved cloudiness - A pilot study.

irradiance modelling, satellite retrieved cloudiness, atmospheric transmittance, cloud transmittance Supplementary notes/Tillägg ISSN and title/lSSN och titel N umber of pages/ Antal sidor 11 0347-2116 SMHI Reports Meteorology Climatology Report available from/Rapporten kan köpas från SMHI S-601 76 Last updated: