Algae report number 4, 2017

diversity was very low, the integrated (0-20m) chlorophyll concentration was below normal for this month. 4CTRY BP 23rd of April This station is sampled instead of BCSIII-10 for the time being. A few species were observed, among them the dinoflagellate Peridiniella catenata, the filamentous cyanobacterium Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon

. Silicate concentrations in the surface water were higher than normal in the Arkona Basin and in the Western Gotland Basin. Concentrations in these areas were 8 to 15 µmol/l while they in the Eastern Gotland Basin varied between 6 and 8 µmol/l. Concentrations of nitrite nitrate in the surface layer were Last updated:

Development on an unsteady atmospheric boundary layer model.

identical but for u ~ u*. This means that g they ma.thematically similarly · in the steady case. The in- . au* * _, clusion of the term at and the replacement of ug by u have, how- ever, fundamental consequences, which will be discussed in the next section. Filtering of inertial-diffusive Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 16, 2007

Nutrient concentrations in Skagerrak and Kattegat were normal for the season. In the Sound silicate concentrations were enhanced. The other nutrients showed normal values. Inorganic nitrogen (DIN) had been consumed in the coastal waters of Skagerrak and in Kattegat and in all stations in the Baltic Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 19, 2003

the north (Fladen) and 2.4 µmol/l in the south (W Landskrona). There was no oxygen defiency in the bottom waters of the area. Baltic Sea Surface water temperature varied from 2.5°C at Fårö in the north to 6.1°C in Arkona in the south. The halocline was located at a depth of 20-30 metres in Arkona at Last updated:

Black Carbon in Colombia - Workshop

The workshop “Black Carbon in Colombia” was held 28-30 November 2018 at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia. The workshop gathered 46 participants from Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Sweden. The presentations given are available as PDF s in the list below. Introduction Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV 002 Triton week 25, 2013

the south-eastern part of the investigated area. Characteristic streaks and flocculations in the surface were observed around the sampling station. Extra surface samples were collected for further investigation. Fluorescence measurement indicated plankton activity in the whole area. PARTICIPANTS Name Last updated:

Algae report number 2, 2017

by Pseudochattonella spp.* and the largest number, 120 000 cells per liter, was found at Å15. Signs of the coming diatom spring bloom were observed at N14 in the Kattegat and at Å17 in the Skagerrak by rather high cell numbers of Skeletonema marinoi. The integrated chlorophyll a concentrations were Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 11, 1997

Skagerrak The surface temperatures varied between 3.3 and 4.8 oC and surface salinites from 24 psu in the Baltic water to 33.5 in the remaining area. The spring bloom was almost over, except along the Jutland coast where nitrogen rich water from the North Sea was found. Kattegat and the Sound The Last updated: