Cruise report from R/V Argos week 8, 2005

winter conditions took place in the Baltic Proper. North- easterly winds dominated during the expedition. During the first days they were moderate to fresh and then increasing to strong for two days. These were followed by a calm day, before increasing to strong for the rest of the week. The Skagerrak Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 35, 2003


Nutrient concentrations were normal for the season in all areas. At the coastal station Släggö, in the Skagerrak, the bottom water oxygen concentration was less than 2 ml/l. This was worse than normal. From 70-90 metres in the Bornholm Deep (BY 5), the Norrköping Deep (BY 32) and in the eastern …

Type: Report
Author: Bodil Thorstensson
Published: Aug, 2003
Last updated:

Development on an unsteady atmospheric boundary layer model.

identical but for u ~ u*. This means that g they ma.thematically similarly · in the steady case. The in- . au* * _, clusion of the term at and the replacement of ug by u have, how- ever, fundamental consequences, which will be discussed in the next section. Filtering of inertial-diffusive Last updated:

SMHI as a workplace

has a long-term approach to equality and in a survey conducted by the Institute of Human Resource Indicators in 2014 was named Sweden's most equal workplace among some 240 organisations. The key figure is based on an Equality index that summarizes the level of equality in the organisation and makes it Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 28, 2014

. Concentrations of phosphate was in the interval 0.09-0.20 µmol/l and silicate varied between 7.5 and 11.2 µmol/l. Inorganic nitrogen (nitrite nitrate) was close to or below the detection limit in the whole area. In the bottom water of the Arkona Basin, the oxygen situation was better since the previous Last updated:


In a future climate, some extreme weather events are likely to occur more often, increasing the risk of natural hazards. For society to adapt, it needs quantitative information about the frequency and intensity of these hazards. Through tailor-made climate effect impact studies and improved Last updated:

Algae report number 1, 2018

1ALGAL SITUATION IN MARINE WATERS SURROUNDING SWEDEN AlgAware Oceanographic Unit No 1, Jan-Feb 2018 Sammanfattning Samtliga växtplanktonprov, från Skagerrak, Kattegatt och Östersjön var mycket glesa. Artantalen och cellantalen var mycket låga. De integrerade klorofyllvärdena (0-20m) var normala för Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 36, 2014

concentration varied between 7.2-9.0 µmol/l Concentrations of phosphate was in the interval 0.06-0.18 µmol/l and inorganic nitrogen (nitrite nitrate) was below detection limit in the whole investigated area. The oxygen concentration in the western Arkona Basin was high, 4.25 ml/l, due to an inflow through the Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon

. Silicate concentrations in the surface water were higher than normal in the Arkona Basin and in the Western Gotland Basin. Concentrations in these areas were 8 to 15 µmol/l while they in the Eastern Gotland Basin varied between 6 and 8 µmol/l. Concentrations of nitrite nitrate in the surface layer were Last updated: