International development cooperation projects and programmes
Ongoing and past international development cooperation projects and programmes.
In this project SMHI and join forces to co-develop a multi-model platform for operational forecasting of hydro-climatic extremes in West Africa. It builds on our decade-long collaboration and achievements in science, technology, capacity development, and societal impact through the FANFAR system.
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A new global climate service, the Climate Information Portal (CIP), was developed by SMHI on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization, World Climate Research Programme and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The main purpose of the web service is to enhance the base of climate science for …
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From 2019 to 2022, SMHI worked on a project led by the Swedish EPA aimed at improving the understanding of air pollution in Bosnian urban areas. The focus was on identifying sources of air pollution and making air quality data more accessible.
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The main goals of this regional project in the Western Balkans, spanning from 2022 to 2026, are to equip stakeholders with the tools required to understand the air quality situation, leading causes of air pollution, and necessary improvements.
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FANFAR in Burkina Faso is a project aiming to support in improving the coutry's flood forecast and early warning system, building on the achievements of . It is funded by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and will be running until the end of 2024.
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WACCA Ethiopia supports the development of strong and resilient institutions that provide credible and useful weather, water and disaster risk information to the Ethiopian people. Phase 1 of the project ran between 2018 and 2022. Phase 2 started in 2023 and runs until 2026.
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ZAMNEX is a four-year programme focusing on strengthening sustainable mining governance. The ZAMNEX programme is financed by Sida and implemented by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The programme’s component 3 is led by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and …
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The three-year (2017-2020) Nordic Climate Fund (NCF) supported project supported green growth for sustainable livelihoods in eight sectors of the Bugesera district of Rwanda, through fruit trees and tree cover, using green irrigation and low carbon technologies, and inspiring smallholder farmers to …
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WACCA-Ethiopia Phase 1 was a programme to strengthen the development of climate and water information services in Ethiopia (2017 – 2020). WACCA-Ethiopia Phase 1 was a capacity development project directed to the hydro-meteorological sector. It aimed to address capacity gaps in water and …
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The Climate Resilient Development for Africa (CRD4Africa) Inception Phase began in the beginning of 2023, which aims to map the needs for regional climate information in Africa together with local partners. To then possibly develop a program to provide high-resolution climate scenario data and …
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