Research Projects

Selection of research projects at the SMHI research department.

BONUS BalticAPP: well-being from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics

OceanographyClimateCompleted projects

BONUS BalticAPP: well-being from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics is a project funded by the Bonus program that aims to project the future evolution of the Baltic Sea ecosystem under consistent scenarios detailing various climate and nutrient load changes.

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Primavera – Higher resolution in global climate models

ClimateRossby CentreOn-going projects

The project will develop a new generation of advanced and evaluated high-resolution global climate models, which are able to simulate and predict regional climate with unsurpassed accuracy - indispensable for governments, business and society in general.

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MeteorologyHydrologyOceanographyClimateAir QualityCompleted projects

HazardSupport is a project 2015-2020 where SMHI and SEI (Stockholm Environment Institute) collaborate with the aim of developing a risk-based decision support for adaptation to future natural hazards. The project is funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB.

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Smart Sea – Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth

OceanographyCompleted projects

The purpose of the Smart Sea project is to support the growth of commercial marine activities in the Gulf of Bothnia region. The key idea is that sustainable growth can only be attained by planning the use of sea areas wisely. At the same time, synergies between activities can be increased.

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Polar Ice

OceanographyCompleted projects

The aim of the Polar Ice project is to develop a next generation sea ice information service by integrating and building on a wide range of European and national funded activities which incorporate many of the required components.

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NFIX – Estimating Nitrogen FIXation in past and future climates of the Baltic Sea

OceanographyCompleted projects

The NFIX project will estimate Nitrogen FIXation in past and future climates of the Baltic Sea.

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COCOA – Nutrient COcktails in the COAstal zone of the Baltic Sea

OceanographyCompleted projects

The objective of COCOA is to identify major pathways of nutrients and organic material in various coastal ecosystems around the Baltic Sea.

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BIO-C3 – Investigating causes, consequences and management implications

OceanographyCompleted projects

BIO-C3 will investigate causes of changes in biodiversity, emphasizing effects on ecosystem functioning and implications for environmental management.

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Seatrack Web

OceanographyCompleted projects

The HELCOM Seatrack Web system is a system for tracking oil spills and other hazardous substances and is used by authorities around the Baltic Sea.

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MyOcean 2

OceanographyCompleted projects

MyOcean 2 is an EU-funded project involving 61 teams in 29 countries in Europe. The main aim of the project is to deliver and operate a sustainable ocean monitoring and forecasting system to users for all marine applications.

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Research areas
Project status