Flows and tides

Documentation for environmental impact assessments The results are presented in an easily comprehensible report where a large number of flow levels with varying return periods are presented, according to your requirements. Consider a changing climate The climate research at Rossby Centre indicates that we are Last updated:


, and identify existing gaps, new challenges and emerging needs. 4.Enhance communication and dissemination activities with stakeholders, in particular through a series of events to bring the network together and showcase progress,  and producing stakeholder-oriented reports on the state-of-the-art in Last updated:

More knowledge on climate change indicators for the energy sector

of climate trends in Europa, with focus on the energy market, will be delivered at the end of the project. In the parts of the project where SMHI participate the focus on the study will be on how changes in the inflow and altered snow season can affect the production of hydropower. Several European Last updated:

Lars Arneborg

Circulation and transport processes in fjords, lakes, and archipelagos. Turbulence and mixing processes. Dispersion modeling. Special competences I have been leading a group of about 20 oceanographers for 5 years and have developed competence in research leadership, internal and external communication, and Last updated:

Research Projects

Selection of research projects at the SMHI research department.

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The research vessel R/V Argos

eastern North Sea to survey the size, extent and changes in the fish population. In addition the oceanography department at SMHI uses the vessel for extensive systematic hydrographic investigations and surveys of the seas surrounding Sweden. Argos is built as a stern trawler and equipped for ocean Last updated:

Emission inventories

We are the main national actor in creating and reporting official geographically distributed emission inventories for Sweden. We also have a lot of international experience in creating emission inventories, from single industrial complexes to entire cities and nationwide. We can share our expertise Last updated:

Publications – Oceanographic research

Automatically updated list of latest publications and reports from the SMHI Oceanographic research group. . Last updated:

Decision-makers from Africa on climate change Training Programme at SMHI

. The seasons have become unpredictable in our country and you can't control seasonal variations, which affect our food production, of course. We must work together to find a sustainable solution."     Mr. Poadiague Patrick from Burkina Faso is a pharmacist at the Centre Hospotalier Universitaire Last updated: